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ECE 301: Signals and systems

Ikbeom Jang, Summer 2015

Message area:

  • Welcome to ECE 301.
  • HW1 is due 6/23 (Tues) in class.

Course Information

  • Instructor: Ikbeom Jang
    • Office: EE 30
    • Office hour: TR 1-3 pm
    • Email:
  • Teaching Assistant: Ashley Eidsmore
    • Office hour: MF 1-3 pm at EE 209 (updated!)
    • Email:

Lecture Blog

  • Copies of lecture notes will be uploaded every day but they will be gone after the weekend. The purpose is to make you study by reviewing lecture notes every day or at least every week.

Chap 1. Signals and Systems

0615Mon 0616Tue 0617Wed 0618Thu 0619Fri

Chap 2. Linear Time Invariant Systems

0622Mon 0623Tue


  • Homework assignments are due every Monday in class. Late submission is not accepted.

Corrections/Clarifications for Hw1!

  • Problem 2: I told some people during office hours they should not get zero. This is false, you should. Do NOT put in terms of sign for the first portion (keep as cos initially until you hit the by parts).
  • Problem 4/5: Is covered in Chapter 2, save these questions (only 4 and 5) for turn in with HW2.
  • Problem 6: You do not need to graph x1(t).
  • Problem 8: Ev means the Even component (see pgs 13-14 of book).
    • Note: Section 1.1.2 of your book discusses Energy and Power. Always remember the magnitude of x(t) is taken (useful when dealing with complex numbers)!

Complex Number Review



  • Check your presentation schedule here.


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Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva