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ECE Ph.D. Qualifying Exam

Communication, Networking, Signal and Image Processing (CS)

Question 1: Probability and Random Processes

August 2011


Part 1. 25 pts

 $ \color{blue}\text{ Let } \mathbf{X}\text{, }\mathbf{Y}\text{, and } \mathbf{Z} \text{ be three jointly distributed random variables with joint pdf } f_{XYZ}\left ( x,y,z \right )= \frac{3z^{2}}{7\sqrt[]{2\pi}}e^{-zy} exp \left [ -\frac{1}{2}\left ( \frac{x-y}{z}\right )^{2} \right ] \cdot 1_{\left[0,\infty \right )}\left(y \right )\cdot1_{\left[1,2 \right]} \left ( z \right) $

$ \color{blue}\left( \text{a} \right) \text{Find the joint probability density function } f_{YZ}(y,z). $

$ \color{blue}\left( \text{b} \right) \text{Find } f_{x}\left( x|y,z\right ). $

$ \color{blue}\left( \text{c} \right) \text{Find } f_{Z}\left( z\right ). $

$ \color{blue}\left( \text{d} \right) \text{Find } f_{Y}\left(y|z \right ). $

$ \color{blue}\left( \text{e} \right) \text{Find } f_{XY}\left(x,y|z \right ). $

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Part 2. 25 pts

 $ \color{blue} \text{Show that if a continuous-time Gaussian random process } \mathbf{X}(t) \text{ is wide-sense stationary, it is also strict-sense stationary.} $

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Part 3. 25 pts

Show that the sum of two jointly distributed Gaussian random variables that are not necessarily statistically independent is a Gaussian random variable.

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Part 4. 25 pts

Assume that $ \mathbf{X}(t) $ is a zero-mean continuous-time Gaussian white noise process with autocorrelation function

                $ R_{\mathbf{XX}}(t_1,t_2)=\delta(t_1-t_2). $

Let $ \mathbf{Y}(t) $ be a new random process ontained by passing $ \mathbf{X}(t) $ through a linear time-invariant system with impulse response $ h(t) $ whose Fourier transform $ H(\omega) $ has the ideal low-pass characteristic

               $ H(\omega) = \begin{cases} 1, & \mbox{if } |\omega|<\Omega,\\ 0, & \mbox{elsewhere,} \end{cases} $

where $ \Omega>0 $.

a) Find the mean of $ \mathbf{Y}(t) $.

b) Find the autocorrelation function of $ \mathbf{Y}(t) $.

c) Find the joint pdf of $ \mathbf{Y}(t_1) $ and $ \mathbf{Y}(t_2) $ for any two arbitrary sample time $ t_1 $ and $ t_2 $.

d) What is the minimum time difference $ t_1-t_2 $ such that $ \mathbf{Y}(t_1) $ and $ \mathbf{Y}(t_2) $ are statistically independent?

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