MATLAB Code to Play Hail Purdue
%Zachary Curosh %ECE 301, Homework 1.1 %9/5/2008 clear; clc; %We were given the fact that an A is 440 Hz. Using the equations given on %the homework sheet, I was able to calculate the other notes needed. x=440*3/5; UpperC=2*x; B=15*x/8; A=440; G=3*x/2; F=4*x/3; E=5*x/4; D=9*x/8; MiddleC=x; %The length of notes are defined below delta = 1/20000; eigth = .125; %Eigth Note quarter = .25; %Quarter Note half = .5; %Half Note threequarter = .75; %Three Quarters Note whole = 1; %Whole Note %I got the following notes to Hail Purdue from a couple of websites. H_Purdue = [E, F, G, A, B, UpperC, UpperC, D, D, D, A, B, B, UpperC]; Timing = [half, quarter, quarter, quarter+eigth, eigth, quarter, quarter, ... quarter, eigth, eigth, quarter, eigth, eigth, half+quarter]; %Now, to play the song at normal speed c1=1; for lcv=1:14 t=0:delta:Timing(lcv); x=sin(2*pi*t*H_Purdue(lcv)); c2=1; while c2<length(x) HailPurdue(c1)=x(c2); c1=c1+1; c2=c2+1; end end sound(HailPurdue,1/delta); pause(3); %Now play the song twice as fast c1=1; for lcv2=1:14 t2=0:delta:0.5*Timing(lcv2); y=sin(2*pi*t2*H_Purdue(lcv2)); c2=1; while c2<length(y) Hail.Purdue.twice(c1)=y(c2); c1=c1+1; c2=c2+1; end end sound(Hail.Purdue.twice,1/delta); pause(3); %Now play the song rescaled y(t)=x(2t) c1=1; for lcv2=1:14 t2=0:delta:Timing(lcv2); z=sin(2*pi*t2*2*H_Purdue(lcv2)); c2=1; while c2<length(z) Hail.Purdue.rescale(c1)=z(c2); c1=c1+1; c2=c2+1; end end sound(Hail.Purdue.rescale,1/delta); %now to write each of the songs to a file wavwrite(x,44100,32,'Hail_Purdue.wav'); wavwrite(y,44100,32,'Hail_Purdue_faster.wav'); wavwrite(z,44100,32,'Hail_Purdue_rescaled.wav');
Sound Files
Media:Hail_Purdue_ECE301Fall2008mboutin.wav Media:Hail_Purdue_faster_ECE301Fall2008mboutin.wav Media:Hail_Purdue_rescaled_ECE301Fall2008mboutin.wav