Revision as of 22:55, 14 October 2014 by Mhayashi (Talk | contribs)

Questions and Comments for


A slecture by ECE student Yerkebulan Yeshmukhanbetov

Please post your reviews, comments, and questions below.

  • Review by Miguel Castellanos

You have a good mix of derivations/figures and explanations (text), which makes it easy to follow your thought process and is important to explaining the concepts. Your first two figures clearly show how to downsample a signal. Some small mistakes are a convolution symbol in your first derivation that should not be there, your sum for the expression of the DTFT of a downsampled signal should start from 0, and your last figure shows a different cutoff frequency than what you derived. Other than that, nicely done!

    • Author answer here

  • Review by Michael Hayashi

I like the simple depiction of downsampling in your first two graphs. The LaTeX gets a little out of hand in places. I recommend caution using quotation marks for formatted type and advocate the "math" tags instead. The definition of $ s_D[m] $ should have $ m $ appear in place of $ n $ in the middle expression. It may be beneficial to explain that the $ 2\pi $-periodicity of the downsampled DTFT is maintained through a combination of $ D $-factor reduction of the period coupled with the offset copies introduced by the summation. The motivation for and derivation of the cutoff freqeuncy of the low-pass filter was expressed well. Overall, the content was very good.

  • Review by student 3
    • Author answer here

  • Review by student 4
    • Author answer here

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Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett