Sound Files
In the foward version it sounds like he says "Beyond the realms of death". Backwards it sounds like "I took my life".
Matlab Code
%Phil Cannon %ECE301 HW1_2 %This file imports the file 'jpforward.wav' in the local directory. It %then plays the file forwards at 44khz, backwards at 44khz, and backwards %at 22khz. I found it easiest to interpret the subliminal message at %44khz. [x,fs,nbits]=wavread('jpforward.wav'); %Reverse the matrix array for count=1:length(x) jpbackward(length(x)-(count-1))=x(count); end %Forwards at 44100 Hz wavplay(x,44100) wavwrite(x, 44100, 'Forward44k.wav'); %Backwards at 44100 Hz wavplay(jpbackward,44100) wavwrite(jpbackward, 44100, 'Backward44k.wav'); %Backwards at 22050 Hz wavplay(jpbackward,22050) wavwrite(jpbackward, 22050, 'Backward22k.wav');