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Random Variables and Signals

Topic 18: Stochastic Convergence

Stochastic Convergence

We will now consider infinite sequences of random variables. We will discuss what it means for such a sequence to converge. This will lead to some very important results: the laws of large numbers and the Central Limit Theorem.

Consider a sequence X$ _1 $,X$ _2 $,..., where each X$ _i $ is a random variable on (S,F,P). We will call this a random sequence (or a discrete-time random process).

Notation $ \qquad $ X$ _n $ may refer to either the sequence itself or to the nth element in the sequence. We may also use {X$ _n $} to denote the sequence, or X$ _n $, n ≥ 1.

The sequence X$ _n $ maps S to the set of all sequences of real numbers, so for a fixed S, X$ _1(\omega) $,X$ _2(\omega) $,... is a sequence of real numbers.

Fig 1: The mapping from the sample space to the reals under X$ _j $.

Before looking at convergence, recall the meaning of convergence or a sequence of real numbers.

Definition $ \qquad $ A sequence of real numbers x$ _1 $,x$ _2 $,... converges to a number x ∈ R if ∀$ \epsilon $ > 0, ∃ an n$ _{\epsilon} $N such that

$ |x_n-x|<\epsilon\qquad\forall n\geq n_{\epsilon} $

If there is such an x ∈ R, we say

$ \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}x_n=x $


$ x_n\rightarrow\infty\;\mbox{as}\;n\rightarrow\infty $

For a random sequence X$ _n $, the issue of convergence is more complicated since X$ _n $ is a function of $ \omega $S.

First look at a motivating example.

Example $ \qquad $ Let X$ _k $ = s + W$ _k $, where s ∈ R and W$ _k $ is a random sequence with E[W$ _k $] = 0 ∀k = 1,2,.... W$ _k $ can be viewed as a noise sequence if we want to know the value of s.


$ Y_n=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=1}^nX_k $

Then, E[Y$ _n $] = s ∀n. But Y$ _n $ is a random variable, so we cannot expect Y$ _n $ = s ∀n. However, we intuitively expect Y$ _n $ to be a better estimate of s as n increases. Does Y$ _n $ → s as n → ∞ ? If so, in what sense?

Types of Convergence

Since X$ _n(\omega) $ is generally a different sequence for very $ \omega $S, what does it mean for X$ _n $ to converge? We will discuss different ways in which X$ _n $ can converge.

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva