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Rhea Section for MA279: "Modern Mathematics"

Professor Walther, Fall 2013


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Course Info

  • Instructor: Prof. Walther
    • Office: MATH 746
    • email: walther at math dot purdue
    • Office hours: Tue 12:30-1:30, Th 1:30-2:00.
  • Class time and location: TTh 9:00-10:15, EE 005
  • Book: Excursions in modern mathematics (P. Tannenbaum), 7th edition.

Important Links

Course Related Material


  • post link to discussion page here
  • post link to discussion page here

Other Links

Your turn! Student Projects

As per the syllabus, 5% of your grade will be based on contributing a Rhea page on a subject related to the course . To pick a subject, simply write your name next to it. Please no more than one student per subject. Your page will be graded based on content as well as interactions with other people (page views, comments/questions on the page, etc.). The number of links to other courses and subjects will also be taken into account: the more the merrier! Please do not simply copy the lecture notes and do not plagiarize. Read Rhea's copyright policy before proceeding.

For some lovely contributions, see Honors Project 2011 by Daniel Lee

Deadline: Sunday before dead week (Dec 1, 2013)

Topic Number Topic Description Team Name
1 The electoral college: history, composition, conflicts with plurality (II.B) Name
2 Instant run-off: advantages and problems (I.C) Name
3 Ballots: what is out there? (I.A) Name
4 How does Germany fill its house of representatives? Name
5 The plurality vote: must it lead to a 2-party system? Name
6 Presidents (and others) elected against the majority vote (II.C) Antong Li, Mengyao Wang, Chenlin Zhou, Yi Hu
7 Strategic voting: document existence, motivation, consequences Name
8 The constitutional right of equal vote vs weighted voting: historical events and the Banzhaf power index Name
9 Envy-free fair division, how does one do it? (III.A) Name
10 The 2000 election and what it should teach us (IV.B) Bolun Zhang, Sui Fang, Qianyu Deng, Chenkai Wang
11 Jefferson vs Hamilton, the US begins (IV.E) Name
12 Constitutionality of Huntington-Hill (ME-1.B) Name


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