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Correlation vs Covariance

Student project for ECE302

by Blue

Correlation and Covariance

Correlation and covariance are very similarly related. Correlation is used to identify the relationship of two random variables, X and Y. In order to determine the dependence of the two events, the correlation coefficient,$ \rho $, is calculated as:

$ \rho (X,Y) = \frac{cov(X,Y)}{ \sqrt{var(X)var(Y)} } $

Covariance is defined as: $ C_{s}(n1, n2) = E(X-E[X])(Y-E[Y])) $[1] Correlation is then defined as: $ R_{s}(n1, n2) = E(XY) [] $

If X and Y are independent of each other, that means they are uncorrelated with each other, or cov(X,Y) = 0. However, if X and Y are uncorrelated, that does not mean they are independent of each other. 1, -1, and 0 are the three extreme points $ p\rho X,Y) $ can represent. 1 represents that X and Y are linearly dependent of each other. In other words, Y-E[Y] is a positive multiple of X-E[X]. -1 represents that X and Y are inversely dependent of each other. In other words, Y-E[Y] is a negative multiple of X-E[X]. [2]


Correlation coefficient graph pxy0.png $ \rho X,Y) = 0 $ [3]

Correlation coefficient graph pxy10.png $ \rho X,Y) = 1 $ [4]

Correlation coefficient graph pxy-10.png $ \rho X,Y) = -1 $ [5]

Correlation coefficient graph pxy0 2.png $ \rho X,Y) = .2 $ [6]

Correlation coefficient graph pxy4.png $ \rho X,Y) = .4 $ [7]

Correlation coefficient graph pxy-7.png $ \rho X,Y) = -.7 $ [8]

Correlation coefficient graph pxy9.png $ \rho X,Y) = .9 $ [9]

Autocorrelation and Autocovariance

Correlation and covariance are comparing two random events. Autocorrelation and autocovariance are comparing the data points of one random event.

Autocovariance is defined as: $ C_{s}(n1, n2) = E(X_{n1}X_{n2}) [] $

Autocorrelation is defined as: $ R_{s}(n1, n2) = E((X_{n1}-E[X_{n1}])(X_{n2}-E[X_{n2}])) [] $


[1]: Ilya Pollak. General Random Variables. 2012. Retrieved from

[2]: Ilya Pollak. Random Signals. 2004. Retrieved from

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