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Practice Problem: Stationary Increment Property


Explain what is the "stationary increment property" and why sum processes have this property.

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Answer 1

The stationary increment property says that the difference between the values of a random process at two distinct times will result in a random variable with the same distribution as the random variable contained in the random process at the time found by differencing the two distinct times mentioned earlier.

Sum processes have this property because the difference between the values of a sum process at two distinct times yields a random variable defined by summing the values of an iid process from the earlier time until the later time. In addition, the random variable contained in the sum process at the time found by differencing the earlier and later times is found by summing the values of the same iid process from the initial time until the time found by differencing the earlier and later times. Because the process being summed in both cases is iid, the distributions of both random variables are the same and the sum process can be said to have the stationary increment property.

Answer 2

The stationary increment property can be explained intuitively by stating that the probability distribution of any increment is only a function of how long the increment is, and not where it is located on the time domain.

For example, if it had this property, $ X_{n} $ would have the same distribution as $ X_{2n}-X_{n} $ because the length of both of the increments is n.

Sum processes have this property because the random variables in the process are time-independent. The distribution of a random variable at t = 1 is the same as a random variable at t = 2. Therefore, the important variable is the length of time that the process is allowed to run, because this is what will change the sum. Changing the start time but keeping the length of time the same will not change the distribution.

Answer 3

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