Revision as of 06:45, 17 October 2012 by Lee832 (Talk | contribs)

Daniel Y Lee.jpg

Hi! My name is Daniel Lee, junior majoring in mathematics with a minor in computer science.

I support RHEA's mission of creating an interactive platform for students to collaborate freely on our academic endeavors. It is also a great tool for geeks like to me show off my admiration for math! Feel free to comment/edit any of my pages, but please make sure that I am aware of the changes you've made.


Reads Matthen: Really cool blog about math and science. The blogger models really cool things.


Brief History of Mathematics: Short podcast series highlighting important figures in mathematical history. Narrated by Professor Marcus du Sautoy of Oxford.

Radiolab: Really cool podcast series touching nearly every topic imaginable. They frequently bring in Steve Strogatz of Cornell to the show, and he is an interesting guy to listen to.


MA 265 Fall 2011 Honors Project

MA 375 Spring 2012 Walther Course Notes

Project EulerWill be revisited

Learning Mathematica

Utility and Futility of Math (an essay) (in progress..)

Personal website

Last Edited: 2012 October 15

Alumni Liaison

Correspondence Chess Grandmaster and Purdue Alumni

Prof. Dan Fleetwood