Revision as of 08:53, 24 September 2012 by Walther (Talk | contribs)

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MA 265: "Linear Algebra", Professor Walther, Fall 2012

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  • Want to promote yourself to potential employers? Join Rhea's e-portfolio team! Purdue Freshmen-graduate students welcome. Contact rheateam@gmail for more info.
  • See under [[1]] for a symposium on the writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) whose work is

connected to mathematics and physics. The event (October 3) will feature mathematicians, physicists and writers discussing Borges and his work.

  • See Media:JPURFlyer2012.pdf for a workshop on Oct 17, 2012 on writing successful proposals for an article in Purdue's Journal for Purdue Undergraduate Research

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    • A: Contact webassign via phone!

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  • write new item here

Course Related Material

  • List here.

Your turn! A bonus point opportunity

Students in MA265 Fall 2011 (Walther) have the opportunity to earn bonus points by contributing a Rhea page on a subject related to linear algebra. To pick a subject, simply write your name next to it. Please no more than one student per subject. Your page will be graded based on content as well as interactions with other people (page views, comments/questions on the page, etc.). The number of links to other courses and subjects will also be taken into account: the more the merrier! Please do not simply copy the lecture notes and do not plagiarize. Read Rhea's copyright policy before proceeding.

For some lovely contributions, see the "honors project" at the end of the page.

Topic Number Topic Description Student Name Deadline
1 Matrix Multiplication and coordinate systems Your Name Here At Final
2 The inverse of a matrix Your Name Here At Final
3 The determinant Your Name Here At Final
4 Linear dependence Your Name Here At Final
5 Basis and dimension of vector spaces Your Name Here At Final
6 Inner products, orthogonality Your Name Here At Final
7 Linear transformations, isomorphisms Your Name Here At Final
8 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Your Name Here At Final
9 Conic sections Your Name Here At Final
10 Quadric surfaces in 3-space Your Name Here At Final
11 Systems of Differential Equations Your Name Here At Final
12 Linear programming Your Name here At Final
13 Linear Equations/Matrices Your name here At Final

Note: if you want to make a matrix, look at the source code for this page (click "edit") to see the syntax for the following matrix: $ \left(\begin{array}{cccc}1&2&3&4\\5&6&7&8\end{array}\right) $

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