Revision as of 09:57, 4 April 2012 by Guo62 (Talk | contribs)

Lecture 21 - Professor Lu (taught by Professor Elmqvist) - John Ribeiro

In order to think about recursion, think about the base case. Then move on to thinking about the recursive case

  • Spending and Budgets helpful in understanding this concept

Linked Lists are resizable.

Node * List)insertFront ( Node * head, int value ) {

 return Node_create(value, head);


void List_destroy ( Node * head ) {

 while ( head != NULL )
   Node * temp = head;
   head = head->next;
   destroy ( temp );


Node * List_insertBack ( Node * head, int value ) {

 Node * node = Node_create ( value, NULL );
 if ( head == NULL )
   return node;
 Node * curr = head;
 while ( curr->next != NULL )
   curr = curr -> next;
 curr->next = node;
 return head;


Node * List_search ( Node * head, int v ) {

 while ( head != NULL && head->value != v )
   head = head -> next;
 return head;


Linked List does not support random access.

Lecture 21_3/29_Kailu Song void Node_destroy(Node *node) { free(node); }

Node *List_elementAt(Node *head, int index);

Node *List_search(Node *head, int v) { while(head != NULL && head -> value != v) { head = head -> next; } return head; }

Node *List_insertBack(Node *head, int value) { Node *node = Node_create(value,NULL); if (head == NULL){return node;} Node *curr = head; while(curr ->next != NULL) { curr= curr->next; } curr->next = node; return head; }

Node *List_insertFront(Node *head, int value) { return Node_create(value, head); }

void List_print(Node *head); { while (head != NULL) { printf("%d", head->value); head = head->next; } }

void List_destroy(Node *head); { while (head != NULL) { Node *tmp = head; head = head->next; Node_destroy(tmp); } }

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; Node *head = NULL; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { head = List_insertFront(head, i); } List_print(head); printf("value = %d", List_search(head,8)->value); List_destroy(head);

return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

ECE264 LEC20 Shiyu Wang April 1


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=[1 3]
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Void x(int *array, int budget, int pos) {

 int spending;
 for(spending = 1; spending <= budget; spending++)


int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {

 if( argc!=2)
   return Exit_failure;
 num = strtol......;


int main {

 int i;
 Node * head=BULL;
 for( i=0;i<6;i++)
   head = List_insect(head,i);
 return exit_success;


Node *Node_construct(int value ,Node* next) {

Node *node =malloc(sizeof(Node));
node->value = value;
return node;


Node *List_insertfront(Node*head,int value) {

 return Node_crest(value,head);


Void List_Print(Node*head) {



Void List_destroy(Node *head) {

   Node *temp = head;


Node* List_insertback(Node *head, int value) {

 Node*node = Node_creat(value, NULL)
   return node;
 Node *arr =head;
 while(arr->next !=NULL)
   arr = arr->next;
 arr->next =node;


Node *List_search(Node *head, int v) {

 while((head!=NULL) && (head->value != v))
 return head;



Huayi Guo Lecture 0330 by professor Niklas Elmqvist

/* lecture0330 ipa2-2

for the Unix and Window system the text files are different when there is a new line And that is important!!

  • /
  1. include<math.h>

int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {

  //check arguments
  //check input file to see if it is valid
  const int Data_size = 101;
  char buffer[Data_size], block[Data_size];
  block[0] = '\0';
  int muti_line =0;
  while (fgets(buffer, Date_size, f) != NULL){
      if(buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1 ] == '\n')

buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1 ] ='\0'; if(strlen(buffer) ==0){ //found the end of the block if(){ printf("%s\n",blcok); } else{ int dim = sqrt(strlen(block)); int i,j; for(i =0;i < dim;i++) { for(j =0; j <dim; j++){ printf("%c".block[i*dim+j]); } printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); block ='\0'; muti_line =0; }


//found the data if(strlen(block) != 0) nuti_line = 1; strcpy(block+strlen(block),buffer); }

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;



 check if there's a \n at the end of the file
  • /

Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett