Lecture 6 Blog, ECE301 Fall 2010, Prof. Boutin
M0nday January 24, 2011 (Week 3) - See Course Schedule.
Today we covered some basic properties of a system. More precisely, we defined and provided examples of a memoryless system, a causal system, an invertible system, and a stable system. We then more on to the very important concept of time invariance. I announced that I would give 4 different definitions of time invariance, but we only had time to cover two definitions before time was up.
Action items before the next lecture:
- Read Sections 2.2, 2.3 in the book.
- Finish the second homework assignment
- Solve the following problems on Basic Signal Properties
Relevant Rhea Pages
- A hug page listing several Rhea pages on basic systems properties
- Definition and examples for the 6 basic systems properties, from Summer 2008
- Automated Property Verification, from Fall 2007
Previous: Lecture 5
Next: Lecture 7