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Matlab Code:

%ECE 301
%Homework 1
%Josh O'Meara

%%%% PART 1 %%%%%

BPM = 112; %beats per minute
BPS = 112/60; %beats per second
delta = 0.00005;
H = [0:delta:(1/BPS)*2]; %half note
Q = [0:delta:(1/BPS)]; %quarter note
E = [0:delta:(1/BPS)/2]; %eigth note
DQ = [0:delta:(1/BPS)*3/2]; %dotted quarter note

%The following notes are needed to play Smoke on the Water
Q_G = sin(2*pi*2^(-1/6)*440*Q); %quarter G
Q_Bf = sin(2*pi*2^(1/12)*440*Q); %quarter B flat
DQ_C = sin(2*pi*2^(1/4)*440*DQ); %dotted quarter C
E_Df = sin(2*pi*2^(1/3)*440*E); %eigth D flat
H_C = sin(2*pi*2^(1/4)*440*H); %half C

smoke_original = [Q_G, Q_Bf, DQ_C, Q_G, Q_Bf, E_Df, H_C, Q_G, Q_Bf, DQ_C, Q_Bf, Q_G];
sound(smoke_original, 1/delta)
wavwrite(smoke_original, 1/delta, 'HW1_1a.wav')

delta = 0.00005;
H = [0:delta:0.5*(1/BPS)*2]; %half note
Q = [0:delta:0.5*(1/BPS)]; %quarter note
E = [0:delta:0.5*(1/BPS)/2]; %eigth note
DQ = [0:delta:0.5*(1/BPS)*3/2]; %dotted quarter note

Q_G = sin(2*pi*2^(-1/6)*440*Q); %quarter G
Q_Bf = sin(2*pi*2^(1/12)*440*Q); %quarter B flat
DQ_C = sin(2*pi*2^(1/4)*440*DQ); %dotted quarter C
E_Df = sin(2*pi*2^(1/3)*440*E); %eigth D flat
H_C = sin(2*pi*2^(1/4)*440*H); %half C

smoke_fast = [Q_G, Q_Bf, DQ_C, Q_G, Q_Bf, E_Df, H_C, Q_G, Q_Bf, DQ_C, Q_Bf, Q_G];
sound(smoke_fast, 1/delta)
wavwrite(smoke_fast, 1/delta, 'HW1_1b.wav')

delta = 0.00005;
H = [0:delta:(1/BPS)*2]; %half note
Q = [0:delta:(1/BPS)]; %quarter note
E = [0:delta:(1/BPS)/2]; %eigth note
DQ = [0:delta:(1/BPS)*3/2]; %dotted quarter note

Q_G = sin(2*2*pi*2^(-1/6)*440*Q); %quarter G
Q_Bf = sin(2*2*pi*2^(1/12)*440*Q); %quarter B flat
DQ_C = sin(2*2*pi*2^(1/4)*440*DQ); %dotted quarter C
E_Df = sin(2*2*pi*2^(1/3)*440*E); %eigth D flat
H_C = sin(2*2*pi*2^(1/4)*440*H); %half C

smoke_high = [Q_G, Q_Bf, DQ_C, Q_G, Q_Bf, E_Df, H_C, Q_G, Q_Bf, DQ_C, Q_Bf, Q_G];
sound(smoke_high, 1/delta)
wavwrite(smoke_high, 1/delta, 'HW1_1c.wav')

%%%%PART 2%%%%

[Beatles, Fs] = wavread('Beatles.wav');
sound(Beatles, Fs)
sound(flipud(Beatles), Fs)
wavwrite(flipud(Beatles), Fs, 'Beatles_Reverse.wav')

Sound Files:





The forward repeated phrase is "Number 9"

Backwards it sounds like "Turn me on dead man"

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn