Revision as of 06:04, 16 February 2010 by Kriddell (Talk | contribs)

Copied from last weeks homework. I would love to find a time that is good for all parties that are interested.

I would like to meet on Tuesdays from 3-5 and work on this homework as a group. As of right now, meeting in the Union is the best meeting point. I'll be seated next to Starbucks and will bring my book. Please call or text me at 317-605-6720 with any questions or comments. Hopefully we can work through some of these problems together. Ryan Hossler

Is there anyway that we could move the meeting to a different time? I work from 2:30-5:30 monday through thursday... You think maybe we could do it sometime in the evening on some day instead?

I can do whenever is easy. I work nights, but can move my schedule around some if needed. If there are more then just you and I, then it's whenever it is easiest for us all. Maybe monday nights?

Monday nights can work ...I work til 7pm Tues Wed and Thurs, so if we did meet then I wouldn't be able to make it.

I've got a review session tonight, Monday the 15th, for an exam in a different math class, but let me know when working on this would be the best. Tomorrow after 7 is acceptable with me. I won't be at the Union unless someone else wants to meet there. Last week I was there for 2 hours alone and don't want to waste time preparing myself and walking over there unless it's needed. My cell is 317-605-6720 and I can be reached there at any point in time. Just let me know if you (or anyone reading this) wants to work on the current homework. I never do amazingly and would love the help.

I would be interested, and anytime Monday works for me.


6.1 - 14, 19, 28, 30, 32, 36, 38

Section 6.1








Alumni Liaison

Sees the importance of signal filtering in medical imaging

Dhruv Lamba, BSEE2010