Revision as of 16:41, 20 January 2010 by Turner34 (Talk | contribs)

I am for plus minus grades. I seem to always be on the cusp of an A.

I think the plus and minus system is a double ended sword. Pluses can be good to boost any grade and boost anyones gpa; however, minuses can destroy a grade. B- is just as bad as a c. I heard they may do something for A+ though...


I'm not so concerned about plus-minus system. I would like to think that a grade of A- is as good as a grade of A.


I am for the plus minus system. I think that the people who try a little harder to get a B+ instead of a B should be rewarded for thier hard work and some should be given a minus if they dont try as hard as others. However, I do agree with the person above that minuses can hurt grades even though you try your best. So i propose just a plus system...


I do not like the plus minus system. Naturally I would try to do the least amount of work to get the appropriate grade. So if I want a 4.0 GPA then I try hard enough to get a 90% or whatever, no harder. So with the plus minus system the grade cutoffs are closer together so there is not as much slack off room!

Alumni Liaison

Sees the importance of signal filtering in medical imaging

Dhruv Lamba, BSEE2010