Revision as of 11:15, 25 August 2008 by Walther (Talk)

Project Rhea for MA 375 Fall 2008 Professor Walther

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If you look under MediaWiki FAQ, you get lots of instructions how to work with Rhea. Some important things are under item 4 in that manual.

If you want to do things like $ \sum_{i=1}^\infty 1/i^2 = \frac{\pi^2}{6} $ here then you should look a) at the "view source" button on this page and b) get acquainted with Latex [1], a text-formatting program designed to write math stuff.

If you want to make a new page, all you need to do is to invent one. For example, let's say I want to make a page for further instructions how to deal with Rhea. I just type "left-square-bracket page with more instructions right-square-bracket", where of course I use the actual brackets. The effect is: I get a link (initially red) to a page that is the empty set. Once I click it, the link [page with more instructions] turns blue and I am transferred to a newborn page of name as indicated.

Getting started

Alumni Liaison

Followed her dream after having raised her family.

Ruth Enoch, PhD Mathematics