Revision as of 06:58, 2 July 2009 by Huffmalm (Talk | contribs)

This page is where homework will be posted. A separate page will be created for each weekly homework throughout the semester. You may discuss and contribute proposed solutions to each homework on the page corresponding to each assignment. Weekly homeworks may be a class-wide group effort!

When adding homework-related content, please create a separate page for your contribution to each homework problem, naming the page using the following convention: e.g. HW1.2 Landis Huffman_ECE301Summer2009 would refer to Landis Huffman's contribution to Homework 1, problem 2.

Homework 1

Due June 25. Obtain homework 1 here. HW1 Solutions

Homework 2

Due July 2. Obtain homework 2 here. HW2 Solutions

Homework 3

Due July 9. Obtain homework 3 here.

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Alumni Liaison

EISL lab graduate

Mu Qiao