Revision as of 04:30, 25 June 2009 by Spulliam (Talk | contribs)

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Mid_A = 440;

Mid_C = Mid_A*3/5;

Mid_E = Mid_C*5/4;

Mid_G = Mid_C*3/2;

Low_C = Mid_C/2;

Low_G = Low_C*3/2;

Low_E = Low_C*5/4;

Low_A = Low_C*5/3;

Low_B = Low_C*15/8;

Low_A_Sharp = 233.08;

del = 0.00003;

half_note = 0:del:1;

quarter_note = 0:del:0.5;

quarter_note_dot = 0:del:0.75;

eighth_note = 0:del:0.25;

eighth_E_Mid = sin(2*pi*Mid_E*eighth_note);

quarter_E_Mid = sin(2*pi*Mid_E*quarter_note);

quarter_dot_E_Low = sin(2*pi*Low_E*quarter_note_dot);

eighth_C_Mid = sin(2*pi*Mid_C*eighth_note);

quarter_dot_C_Mid = sin(2*pi*Mid_C*quarter_note_dot);

half_G_Mid = sin(2*pi*Mid_G*half_note);

quarter_dot_G_Low = sin(2*pi*Low_G*quarter_note_dot);

half_G_Low = sin(2*pi*Low_G*half_note);

quarter_A_Low = sin(2*pi*Low_A*quarter_note);

quarter_B_Low = sin(2*pi*Low_B*quarter_note);

eighth_A_Low_Sharp = sin(2*pi*Low_A_Sharp*eighth_note);

song = [eighth_E_Mid ...

       quarter_E_Mid ...
       quarter_E_Mid ...
       eighth_C_Mid ...
       quarter_E_Mid ...
       half_G_Mid ...
       half_G_Low ...
       quarter_dot_C_Mid ...
       quarter_dot_G_Low ...
       quarter_dot_E_Low ...
       quarter_A_Low ...
       quarter_B_Low ...
       eighth_A_Low_Sharp ...

sound(song, 1/del);

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva