Revision as of 13:47, 13 March 2008 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

KiwiLogo OldKiwi.png
A multidimensional, multimedia, self-adaptive, collective learning tool.


  • ECE301 Volunteers needed to move the ECE301 content from the old kiwi to here!
  • ECE438
  • ECE637 Volunteers needed to move the ECE637 content from the old kiwi to here!
  • ECE662



What is a Kiwi?

A “Kiwi” is a student-driven internet-based learning tool. More precisely, it is a repository of linked multimedia content collectively created by students. The design and underlying software are also controlled by students.

Why the name “Kiwi”?

Because, in a sense, the Kiwi is the opposite of a wiki page in Wikipedia: while the goal of a wiki page is to have knowledgeable people collectively build an authoritative reference on a subject, the goal of the kiwi is to have people who, a priori, know nothing about a subject collectively build their own learning resource. The end result is very different: instead of a single, agreed upon reference, we end up with a pot pourri of information. The navigational challenges presented by the latter illustrate the true nature of the problem of learning in the real world.

Who can participate?

Anybody with a Purdue Career account can login and contribute!

Who is behind all this?

The PI of this project is Professor Mireille (Mimi) Boutin. The initial development work was done in collaboration with Katie Bouman (now at U. of Michigan). The current student development team includes Dennis Snell (ECE) and Deen King-Smith (ECE). We are delighted to announce that Professor Yung-Hsiang Lu has now joined the project as a co-PI.

Alumni Liaison

Prof. Math. Ohio State and Associate Dean
Outstanding Alumnus Purdue Math 2008

Jeff McNeal