Revision as of 21:17, 18 July 2008 by Mbarga (Talk)

(a)The Fourier transform of X(jw) of a continuous-time signal x(t) is periodic

MAY BE: X(jw) is periodic only if x(t) is periodic

(b)The Fourier transform of X(ejw) of a continuous-time signal x[n] is periodic

YES: X(ejw) is always periodic with period 2pi

(c)If the FT of X(ejw) of a discrete-time signal x[n] is given as: X(ejw) = 3 + 3cos(3w), then the signal x[n] is periodic


(d)If the FT of X(jw) of a continuous-time signal x(t) consists of only impulses, then x(t) is periodic

MAY BE: e^jw0n has a FT that is an impulse

(e)Lets denote X(jw) the FT of a continuous-time non-zero signal x(t). If x(t) is an odd signal, then $ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} X(j\omega) d\omega = 0 $

YES: this eqation is the same as $ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} X(j\omega) e^{-j\omega_0t}d\omega = 0 $ where t = 0. From this we can conclude that x(0) = 0, which holds true for odd signals.

(f)Lets denote X(jw) the FT of a continuous-time non-zero signal x(t). If x(t) is an odd signal, then $ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |X(j\omega)|^2 d\omega = 0 $

NO: from parseval's relation, we see that $ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |X(j\omega)|^2 d\omega = 0 = 2\pi \int_{-\infty}^\infty |x(t)|^2 dt  $ The integral of the magnitude squared will allways be positive for an odd signal.

(g)Lets denot X(ejw) the FT of a DT signal x[n]. If X(ej0) = 0, then x[n] = 0.

MAY BE: X(ej0) is simply X(ejw) evaluated at w = 0. This does not tell you anything about the original signal x[n] other than x[0] = 0.


(i)Let x(t) be a continuous time real-valued signal for which X(jw) = 0 when |w| > wm where wm is a real and positive number. Denote the modulated signal y(t) = x(t)c(t) where c(t) = cos(wct) and wc is a real, positive nubmer. IF wc is greater than 2wm, x(t) can be recovered from y(t).


(j)Let x(t) be a continuous time real-valued signal for which X(jw) = 0 when |w| > 40pi. Denote the modulated signal y(t) = x(t)c(t) where c(t) = e{jwct} and wc is a real, positive nubmer. There is a constraint of wc to guarantee that x(t) can be recovered from y(t).

NO: The FT of c(t) is just a shifted delta function, which will simply shift the input signal x(t) so there is no chance of overlapping.

Alumni Liaison

BSEE 2004, current Ph.D. student researching signal and image processing.

Landis Huffman