Revision as of 07:50, 21 January 2009 by Lee383 (Talk | contribs)

I don't even know how to solve the first problem.

I tried it this way.

Base step: P(0)

0*0 = 0 (0+1)! -1 =0

It is true

Inductive step: Assume P(k) is true then P(k+1) is also true.

P(k) = 1*1! + 2+2! +…………………………..+k*k! = (k+1)! -1 P(k+1) = 1*1! + 2+2! +…………………………..+(k+1)*(k+1)! = (k+2)!-1

From the first equation

(1*1! + 2+2! +…………………………..+ k*k!) +(k+1)*(k+1)! = (k+1)+1! -1

                                                         = (k+2)! -1 

Is it correct?

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang