Revision as of 18:06, 25 September 2008 by Bhorst (Talk)

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Homework 4 Ben Horst: 4.1 :: 4.3 :: 4.5


1. The signal has only two non-zero Fourier coefficients (-1 and 1).

2. The fundamental period of the signal is 8.

3. The function is sinusoidal.

4. Both Fourier coefficients are non-real.

5. The signal has a maximum value of 0.5 and a minimum of -0.5.


Problem shown worked by steps from above:

1. We know that the answer must be of the following form

$ ae^{j\omega_0t} + be^{j\omega_0t} $

2. From this we can find omega naught

$ \omega_0 = {2\pi \over 8} $

Therefore we have $ ae^{j{\pi \over 4}t} + be^{j{\pi \over 4}t} $

3. The final answer must have the form of c*sin(\omega_0t) or c*cos(\omega_0t)

4. We now have something like this $ aje^{j{\pi \over 4}t} + bje^{j{\pi \over 4}t} $ Also, the function is based on sin, because of Euler's formula: $ \sin(t) = {e^{jt} - e^{-jt} \over 2j} $ Notice the j in there.

5. This suggests that the signal is $ {1 \over 2} \sin(\omega_0t) $

With the information above, we can derive the answer: $ {1 \over 2}\sin({\pi \over 4}t) $ from $ {j \over 4}e^{j{\pi \over 4}t} + {-j \over 4}je^{j{\pi \over 4}t} $

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