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Homework 3 Ben Horst: A  :: B  :: C

Formal Definition of Linearity

A system is linear if the following conditions are met:

 An input x1 yields output y1.
 An input x2 yields output y2.
 An input that is the sum of a*x1 and b*x2 yields output that is the sum of a*y1 and b*y2.
 a and b are any complex constants.

Formal Definition of Non-Linearity

 An input x1 yields output y1.
 An input x2 yields output y2.
 An input that is the sum of a*x1 and b*x2 yields output that cannot be expressed as the sum of a*y1 and b*y2.
 a and b are any complex constants.

Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett