Revision as of 10:11, 12 September 2008 by Zhang79 (Talk)

Linearity and Time Invariance

Given system:

Input Output

X0[n]=δ[n] -> Y0[n]=δ[n-1]

X1[n]=δ[n-1] -> Y1[n]=4δ[n-2]

X2[n]=δ[n-2] -> Y2[n]=9 δ[n-3]

X3[n]=δ[n-3] -> Y3[n]=16 δ[n-4]

... -> ...

Xk[n]=δ[n-k] -> Yk[n]=(k+1)2 δ[n-(k+1)] -> For any non-negative integer k

Time Invariant System?

Suppose the system is defined as the third line where input is $ X_2[n]= dirac[n-2] $ and output: $ Y_2[n]=9 dirac[n-3] $ with a time delay of 2 seconds.

Using the system then time delay method:

Using the time delay then system method:

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang