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===Answer 6===
By comparing with the formula:
We note:
        a = 3
        r = 3(1 + j)
Then we can break the sum into the part where n is negative, and the part where n is positive.  By comparing with the formula again, we find the sum equal to:
<math> 3\frac{1-(3(1+j))^6}{1-3(1+j)}+3\frac{1-(3(1+j))^{-41}}{1-(3(1+j))^{-1}}-3 </math>
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Revision as of 04:34, 7 September 2011

Simplify this summation

$ \sum_{n=-42}^5 3^{n+1} (1+j)^n  $

Share your answers below

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Answer 1

TA's comments: Any complex number can be written as one single complex exponential. i.e. $ a+jb=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}e^{j\theta}, where\ tan\theta = \frac{b}{a} $

Answer 2

Set $ x=3+j3 $. Note that $ |x|>1 $.

$ \sum_{n=-42}^5 3^{n+1} (1+j)^n = 3\sum_{n=-42}^5 x^n = 3\sum_{n=-5}^{42}x^{-n} = 3\sum_{n=-5}^{42}(\frac{1}{x})^n  $
$  = 3(\sum_{n=-5}^{\infty}(\frac{1}{x})^n - \sum_{n=43}^{\infty}(\frac{1}{x})^n) = 3(\frac{(\frac{1}{x})^{-5}}{1-\frac{1}{x}} - \frac{(\frac{1}{x})^{43}}{1-\frac{1}{x}}) = 3(\frac{x^6-x^{-42}}{x-1}) = -4037-j2692  $
Instructor's comments: There is a much shorter solution using the finite geometric series formula. Note that, when the sum is finite, one does not have to worry about convergence. In particular, the formula works even if the norm of the argument is greater than one. -pm

Answer 3

$ \sum_{n=-42}^5 3^{n+1} (1+j)^n = \sum_{n=-42}^5 3^{n+1} (\sqrt{2} e^{j\pi/4})^n $
By letting l = n+42,
$ \sum_{l=0}^{47} 3^{l-41} (\sqrt{2} e^{j\pi/4})^{l-42} =        3^{-41}(\sqrt{2}e^{j\pi/4})^{-42}\sum_{l=0}^{47} (3\sqrt{2}e^{j\pi/4})^l =         \frac{1 - (3\sqrt{2}e^{j\pi/4})^{48}}{1 - 3\sqrt{2}e^{j\pi/4}}3^{-41}(\sqrt{2}e^{j\pi/4})^{-42}   $
This is as far as I could go trying to type these long equations...

Answer 4

use finite geometric series formula $ S=\frac{a_1(1-r^n)}{1-r};a1=3,r=(3+3j)^(-42),n=47,then S=-4037-j2692 $

Answer 5

$ \sum_{k=0}^{n-1}ar^k=a\frac{1-r^n}{1-r} $

$ \begin{align} \sum_{n=-42}^5 3^{n+1} (1+j)^n &= 3\sum_{n=-42}^5 (3(1+j))^n \\ &=3\frac{1-(3(1+j))^6}{1-3(1+j)}+3\frac{1-(3(1+j))^{-41}}{1-(3(1+j))^{-1}}-3 \end{align} $

Answer 6

By comparing with the formula:

$ \sum_{k=0}^{n-1}ar^k=a\frac{1-r^n}{1-r} $

We note:

       a = 3
       r = 3(1 + j)

Then we can break the sum into the part where n is negative, and the part where n is positive. By comparing with the formula again, we find the sum equal to:

$ 3\frac{1-(3(1+j))^6}{1-3(1+j)}+3\frac{1-(3(1+j))^{-41}}{1-(3(1+j))^{-1}}-3 $

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Prof. Math. Ohio State and Associate Dean
Outstanding Alumnus Purdue Math 2008

Jeff McNeal