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Revision as of 08:01, 26 October 2010

Table of Derivatives

Laplace Transform Pairs and Properties
General Rules
Derivative of a constant $ \frac{d}{dx}\left( c \right) = 0, \ \text{ for any constant }c $
$ \frac{d}{dx}\left( c x \right) = c, \ \text{ for any constant }c $
Linearity $ \frac{d}{dx}\left( c_1 u_1+c_2 u_2 \right) = c_1 \frac{d}{dx}\left( u_1 \right)+c_2 \frac{d}{dx}\left( u_2 \right), \ \text{ for any constants }c_1, c_2 $
please continue put new rule here
Derivatives of trigonometric functions
sine $ \sin u $ $ \cos u \frac{du}{dx} $
please continue write a function here write its derivative here

Derivative of trigonometric functions
Name Function Derivative
sine $ \sin u $ $ \cos u \frac{du}{dx} $
please continue write a function here write its derivative here
Derivative of exponentiel and logarithm functions
Name Function Derivative
exponential $ e^u $ $ e^u \frac{du}{dx} $
please continue write a function here write its derivative here

Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett