Line 6: Line 6:
.. |prior_prob1| image:: tex
.. |prior_prob1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: P(\omega_i)
:alt: tex: P(\omega_i)
.. |prob_likelihood1| image:: tex
.. |prob_likelihood1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: p(\vec{X}|\omega_i) \forall i
:alt: tex: p(\vec{X}|\omega_i) \forall i
Two applications:
Two applications:
    a) Parametric Density Estimation: Using sample data, we estimate probabilities |prior_prob1|, |prob_likelihood1| etc using estimation methods like [MLE] and [BPE]. Then from these estimated probabilities (and not true probabilities, which are unknown; only their parametric form was known) we can use Bayes classification rule to build a classifier.  
a) Parametric Density Estimation: Using sample data, we estimate probabilities <math>P(\omega_i)</math>, <math>p(\vec{X}|\omega_i) \forall i</math> etc using estimation methods like [MLE] and [BPE]. Then from these estimated probabilities (and not true probabilities, which are unknown; only their parametric form was known) we can use Bayes classification rule to build a classifier.
    b) [Parametric Classifiers]: We find parametric decision boundaries to approximate true decision boundaries between classes. This is very different approach from approximating the probabilities with their estimates, as in previous method.
b) [Parametric Classifiers]: We find parametric decision boundaries to approximate true decision boundaries between classes. This is very different approach from approximating the probabilities with their estimates, as in previous method.
.. image:: Lecture9_parametric_decion_boundary.JPG
.. image:: Lecture9_parametric_decion_boundary.JPG
.. |true_decision_boundary| image:: tex
.. |true_decision_boundary| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \{\vec{X}|P(\omega_1|\vec{X})-P(\omega_2|\vec{X})=0\}
:alt: tex: \{\vec{X}|P(\omega_1|\vec{X})-P(\omega_2|\vec{X})=0\}
.. |approximate_decision_boundary| image:: tex
.. |approximate_decision_boundary| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \{\vec{X}|g(\vec{X})=0\}
:alt: tex: \{\vec{X}|g(\vec{X})=0\}
True decision boundary: |true_decision_boundary| can be approximated by |approximate_decision_boundary|. Note that 'g' is not an estimate of the difference in probabilities as in true decision boundary, but it is just an approximate parametric form for the true decision boundary. Choice of 'g' depends on whether it is analytic, and hence easy to handle computationally.
True decision boundary: |true_decision_boundary| can be approximated by |approximate_decision_boundary|. Note that 'g' is not an estimate of the difference in probabilities as in true decision boundary, but it is just an approximate parametric form for the true decision boundary. Choice of 'g' depends on whether it is analytic, and hence easy to handle computationally.
Line 30: Line 30:
.. |linear_g1| image:: tex
.. |linear_g1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: g(\vec{X})=\vec{V}.\vec{X}+V_0=(\vec{V},V_0).(\vec{X},1)
:alt: tex: g(\vec{X})=\vec{V}.\vec{X}+V_0=(\vec{V},V_0).(\vec{X},1)
.. |linear_g2| image:: tex
.. |linear_g2| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: g(1,\vec{X})=\vec{c}.(1,\vec{X})
:alt: tex: g(1,\vec{X})=\vec{c}.(1,\vec{X})
If 'g' is linear, it can be written as |linear_g1| or |linear_g2|.  
If 'g' is linear, it can be written as |linear_g1| or |linear_g2|.
**Extension of Feature Space**
**Extension of Feature Space**
Line 41: Line 41:
.. |R_squared1| image:: tex
.. |R_squared1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \mathbb{R}^2
:alt: tex: \mathbb{R}^2
.. |g_poly_R_squared1| image:: tex
.. |g_poly_R_squared1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: g(x,y)=c_0+c_1x+c_2y+c_3xy+c_4{x}^2+c_5{y}^2
:alt: tex: g(x,y)=c_0+c_1x+c_2y+c_3xy+c_4{x}^2+c_5{y}^2
Example 1: Consider g to be a polynomial parametric form of a classifier in |R_squared1|.  
Example 1: Consider g to be a polynomial parametric form of a classifier in |R_squared1|.
.. |g_tilde_from_5_1| image:: tex
.. |g_tilde_from_5_1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \tilde{g}:\mathbb{R}^5 \to \mathbb{R}
:alt: tex: \tilde{g}:\mathbb{R}^5 \to \mathbb{R}
.. |g_tilde_def1| image:: tex
.. |g_tilde_def1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \tilde{g}(u_1,u_2,u_3,u_4,u_5)=c_0+c_1u_1+c_2u_2+c_3u_3+c_4u_4+c_5u_5
:alt: tex: \tilde{g}(u_1,u_2,u_3,u_4,u_5)=c_0+c_1u_1+c_2u_2+c_3u_3+c_4u_4+c_5u_5
Here g is not a linear classifier in |R_squared1|. Let us define |g_tilde_from_5_1|
Here g is not a linear classifier in |R_squared1|. Let us define |g_tilde_from_5_1|
Line 61: Line 61:
.. |change_var1| image:: tex
.. |change_var1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: u_1=x; u_2=y; u_3=xy; u_4={x}^2; u_5={y}^2
:alt: tex: u_1=x; u_2=y; u_3=xy; u_4={x}^2; u_5={y}^2
where |change_var1|. Here we have defined a parametric from of the classifier in extended feature space. This form is linear. Hence "Decision boundary defined by 'g' is linear in extended feature space."
where |change_var1|. Here we have defined a parametric from of the classifier in extended feature space. This form is linear. Hence "Decision boundary defined by 'g' is linear in extended feature space."
Example 2: Consider another polynomial,
Example 2: Consider another polynomial,
Line 70: Line 70:
.. |circle_ex| image:: tex
.. |circle_ex| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: g(x)={x}^2+{y}^2-2{y}
:alt: tex: g(x)={x}^2+{y}^2-2{y}
                        = {x}^2+{(y-1)}^2 -1
= {x}^2+{(y-1)}^2 -1
This is a circle centred at (0,1):  
This is a circle centred at (0,1):
.. image:: Circle.jpg
.. image:: Circle.jpg
Line 81: Line 81:
.. |jinha_linear_circle| image:: tex
.. |jinha_linear_circle| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \{  (x, y, x^2, y^2) \mid (0, -2, 1, 1) \cdot (x, y, x^2, y^2)  = 0 \}
:alt: tex: \{  (x, y, x^2, y^2) \mid (0, -2, 1, 1) \cdot (x, y, x^2, y^2)  = 0 \}
Line 96: Line 96:
.. |jinha_xx2| image:: tex
.. |jinha_xx2| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: x \rightarrow (x, x^2) \in R^2
:alt: tex: x \rightarrow (x, x^2) \in R^2
.. image:: Jinha_1D_Example02.jpg
.. image:: Jinha_1D_Example02.jpg
Line 106: Line 106:
.. |jinha_pp2| image:: tex
.. |jinha_pp2| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: p(x \mid w_1) \rightarrow p(x, x^2 \mid w_1)
:alt: tex: p(x \mid w_1) \rightarrow p(x, x^2 \mid w_1)
.. |g_vc| image:: tex
.. |g_vc| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \vec{g}
:alt: tex: \vec{g}
.. |g_vec_eq| image:: tex
.. |g_vec_eq| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: g(\vec{X})=\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\lambda}_{i}{e}^{{c}_{i}\vec{x}}
:alt: tex: g(\vec{X})=\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\lambda}_{i}{e}^{{c}_{i}\vec{x}}
.. |g_x| image:: tex
.. |g_x| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: g(\vec{x})
:alt: tex: g(\vec{x})
Line 121: Line 121:
e.g |g_vec_eq|
e.g |g_vec_eq|
then, |g_x| = Taylor Series --> infinite polynomial in powers  
then, |g_x| = Taylor Series --> infinite polynomial in powers
because we can approximate with Taylor plynomial of degree n
because we can approximate with Taylor plynomial of degree n
Line 134: Line 134:
.. |jinha_x| image:: tex
.. |jinha_x| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \vec{x} = (x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_d)
:alt: tex: \vec{x} = (x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_d)
A degree 2 polynomial in |jinha_x| has |jinha_dim2poly| monomials
A degree 2 polynomial in |jinha_x| has |jinha_dim2poly| monomials
.. |jinha_dim2poly| image:: tex
.. |jinha_dim2poly| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \frac{1}{2} (d+1) (d+2) \approx d^2
:alt: tex: \frac{1}{2} (d+1) (d+2) \approx d^2
A degree n polynomial in |jinha_x| has |jinha_dn| monomials.
A degree n polynomial in |jinha_x| has |jinha_dn| monomials.
.. |jinha_dn| image:: tex
.. |jinha_dn| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \approx d^n  
:alt: tex: \approx d^n
**How to find decision hyperplane given training data**
**How to find decision hyperplane given training data**
Line 152: Line 152:
c * y < 0 of u belongs to class w2.
c * y < 0 of u belongs to class w2.
**Trick:** replace all y's in the training data belonging to class w2 by -y, then look for vector c such that  
**Trick:** replace all y's in the training data belonging to class w2 by -y, then look for vector c such that
c * y > 0 for all y.
c * y > 0 for all y.
Line 173: Line 173:
.. |khh0| image:: tex
.. |khh0| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \geq b
:alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \geq b
.. |vec_c| image:: tex
.. |vec_c| image:: tex
      :alt: tex: \vec{c}  
:alt: tex: \vec{c}
**Geometric Interpretation of margin**
**Geometric Interpretation of margin**
Line 183: Line 183:
.. |khh1| image:: tex
.. |khh1| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} = b
:alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} = b
.. |y_io| image:: tex
.. |y_io| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: y_{i0}
:alt: tex: y_{i0}
.. |b_over_y_io| image:: tex
.. |b_over_y_io| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \displaystyle \frac{b}  {\displaystyle ||y_{i0} ||}
:alt: tex: \displaystyle \frac{b}  {\displaystyle ||y_{i0} ||}
|khh0|, for all i means that |vec_c| is always at least a distance |b_over_y_io| from the origin for all i
|khh0|, for all i means that |vec_c| is always at least a distance |b_over_y_io| from the origin for all i
Line 196: Line 196:
.. |khh2| image:: tex
.. |khh2| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \geq 0
:alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \geq 0
Line 204: Line 204:
.. |khh5| image:: tex
.. |khh5| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: J(\vec{c})=\{ y_{i}  | \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \leq 0 \}
:alt: tex: J(\vec{c})=\{ y_{i}  | \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \leq 0 \}
Line 212: Line 212:
.. |khh6| image:: tex
.. |khh6| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: J_{p}(\vec{c})=\displaystyle \sum_{y_i, missclassified} (- \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} )
:alt: tex: J_{p}(\vec{c})=\displaystyle \sum_{y_i, missclassified} (- \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} )
.. image:: lec9_percept.bmp
.. image:: lec9_percept.bmp
Line 220: Line 220:
.. |y_i| image:: tex
.. |y_i| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: y_{i}
:alt: tex: y_{i}
.. |khh3| image:: tex
.. |khh3| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: ||\vec{y_i} \cdot \frac{\vec{c}}{||\vec{c}||} ||=\frac{1}{|| \vec{c} ||} \vec{y_i} \cdot \vec{c}
:alt: tex: ||\vec{y_i} \cdot \frac{\vec{c}}{||\vec{c}||} ||=\frac{1}{|| \vec{c} ||} \vec{y_i} \cdot \vec{c}
Since |khh4| is proportional to distance from |y_i| to hyperplane
Since |khh4| is proportional to distance from |y_i| to hyperplane
.. |khh4| image:: tex
.. |khh4| image:: tex
  :alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot \vec{y}
:alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot \vec{y}
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Class Lecture Notes

Parametric Methods

.. |prior_prob1| image:: tex

alt: tex: P(\omega_i)

.. |prob_likelihood1| image:: tex

alt: tex: p(\vec{X}|\omega_i) \forall i

Two applications: a) Parametric Density Estimation: Using sample data, we estimate probabilities $ P(\omega_i) $, $ p(\vec{X}|\omega_i) \forall i $ etc using estimation methods like [MLE] and [BPE]. Then from these estimated probabilities (and not true probabilities, which are unknown; only their parametric form was known) we can use Bayes classification rule to build a classifier.

b) [Parametric Classifiers]: We find parametric decision boundaries to approximate true decision boundaries between classes. This is very different approach from approximating the probabilities with their estimates, as in previous method.


.. image:: Lecture9_parametric_decion_boundary.JPG

.. |true_decision_boundary| image:: tex

alt: tex: \{\vec{X}|P(\omega_1|\vec{X})-P(\omega_2|\vec{X})=0\}

.. |approximate_decision_boundary| image:: tex

alt: tex: \{\vec{X}|g(\vec{X})=0\}

True decision boundary: |true_decision_boundary| can be approximated by |approximate_decision_boundary|. Note that 'g' is not an estimate of the difference in probabilities as in true decision boundary, but it is just an approximate parametric form for the true decision boundary. Choice of 'g' depends on whether it is analytic, and hence easy to handle computationally.

E.g. 'g' can be a degree-2 polynomial, or it can be a degree-1 polynomial (resulting in a linear classifier).

.. |linear_g1| image:: tex

alt: tex: g(\vec{X})=\vec{V}.\vec{X}+V_0=(\vec{V},V_0).(\vec{X},1)

.. |linear_g2| image:: tex

alt: tex: g(1,\vec{X})=\vec{c}.(1,\vec{X})

If 'g' is linear, it can be written as |linear_g1| or |linear_g2|.

    • Extension of Feature Space**

This trick justifies the importance of studying linear classifiers even though they do not occur so often in practice directly. Actually, many non-linear classifiers can be seen as linear.

.. |R_squared1| image:: tex

alt: tex: \mathbb{R}^2

.. |g_poly_R_squared1| image:: tex

alt: tex: g(x,y)=c_0+c_1x+c_2y+c_3xy+c_4{x}^2+c_5{y}^2

Example 1: Consider g to be a polynomial parametric form of a classifier in |R_squared1|.


.. |g_tilde_from_5_1| image:: tex

alt: tex: \tilde{g}:\mathbb{R}^5 \to \mathbb{R}

.. |g_tilde_def1| image:: tex

alt: tex: \tilde{g}(u_1,u_2,u_3,u_4,u_5)=c_0+c_1u_1+c_2u_2+c_3u_3+c_4u_4+c_5u_5

Here g is not a linear classifier in |R_squared1|. Let us define |g_tilde_from_5_1|


.. |change_var1| image:: tex

alt: tex: u_1=x; u_2=y; u_3=xy; u_4={x}^2; u_5={y}^2

where |change_var1|. Here we have defined a parametric from of the classifier in extended feature space. This form is linear. Hence "Decision boundary defined by 'g' is linear in extended feature space."

Example 2: Consider another polynomial,


.. |circle_ex| image:: tex

alt: tex: g(x)={x}^2+{y}^2-2{y}

= {x}^2+{(y-1)}^2 -1 This is a circle centred at (0,1):

.. image:: Circle.jpg

This non-linear function can be transformed into linear function in extended feature space like below.


.. |jinha_linear_circle| image:: tex

alt: tex: \{ (x, y, x^2, y^2) \mid (0, -2, 1, 1) \cdot (x, y, x^2, y^2) = 0 \}

.. image:: lec9_embedd.bmp

Example 3: 1D example

.. image:: Jinha_1D_Example01.jpg

As we can see from above figure, decision boundary is not linear ( region is not connected). From this, we can construct an extended [feature vector] space.


.. |jinha_xx2| image:: tex

alt: tex: x \rightarrow (x, x^2) \in R^2

.. image:: Jinha_1D_Example02.jpg

This red line (which is a hyperplane in this case) can separate these two classes. This can be expressed as below mathematical form.


.. |jinha_pp2| image:: tex

alt: tex: p(x \mid w_1) \rightarrow p(x, x^2 \mid w_1)

.. |g_vc| image:: tex

alt: tex: \vec{g}

.. |g_vec_eq| image:: tex

alt: tex: g(\vec{X})=\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\lambda}_{i}{e}^{{c}_{i}\vec{x}}

.. |g_x| image:: tex

alt: tex: g(\vec{x})

    • Taylor Series** If true |g_vc| is analytic

e.g |g_vec_eq|

then, |g_x| = Taylor Series --> infinite polynomial in powers

because we can approximate with Taylor plynomial of degree n (i.e as n get higher, approximatino gets better)

.. image:: poly2.gif

However, there are issues on this approach. It gets complex with the increase of the dimension of the [feature vector].

If |jinha_x|

.. |jinha_x| image:: tex

alt: tex: \vec{x} = (x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_d)

A degree 2 polynomial in |jinha_x| has |jinha_dim2poly| monomials

.. |jinha_dim2poly| image:: tex

alt: tex: \frac{1}{2} (d+1) (d+2) \approx d^2

A degree n polynomial in |jinha_x| has |jinha_dn| monomials.

.. |jinha_dn| image:: tex

alt: tex: \approx d^n
    • How to find decision hyperplane given training data**

In the best of all cases, data is "linearly separable", meaning there exists a vector c such that for all y training data: c * y > 0 if y belongs to class w1. (where * is a dot product) c * y < 0 of u belongs to class w2.

    • Trick:** replace all y's in the training data belonging to class w2 by -y, then look for vector c such that

c * y > 0 for all y.

Example: 1D feature space


.. image:: Lecture9_1D_yi_-yi.JPG

First component is +1 for all of class 1 training data

First component is -1 for all of class 2 training data

.. image:: Lecture9_1D_yi_-yi_2.JPG

Observe: c is not unique

To make |vec_c| unique, introduce 'margin' b>0 and ask that c be the minimum length vector such that |khh0|, for all i

.. |khh0| image:: tex

alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \geq b

.. |vec_c| image:: tex

alt: tex: \vec{c}
    • Geometric Interpretation of margin**

If |khh1|, then |vec_c| belons to hyperplane with normal vector |y_io| which is at distance |b_over_y_io| from the origin.

.. |khh1| image:: tex

alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} = b

.. |y_io| image:: tex

alt: tex: y_{i0}

.. |b_over_y_io| image:: tex

alt: tex: \displaystyle \frac{b} {\displaystyle ||y_{i0} ||}

|khh0|, for all i means that |vec_c| is always at least a distance |b_over_y_io| from the origin for all i

In general, it is impossible to satisfy |khh2|, for all i

.. |khh2| image:: tex

alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \geq 0

Perhaps, we could try to minimize number of mislassfied training samples

Let |khh5| -> Too hard to minimize.

.. |khh5| image:: tex

alt: tex: J(\vec{c})=\{ y_{i} | \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} \leq 0 \}

    • [Perceptron] Criterion function**


.. |khh6| image:: tex

alt: tex: J_{p}(\vec{c})=\displaystyle \sum_{y_i, missclassified} (- \vec{c} \cdot y_{i} )

.. image:: lec9_percept.bmp

Measure how 'far away' you are from bias right. distance from |y_i| to hyperplane defined by |vec_c| is |khh3|

.. |y_i| image:: tex

alt: tex: y_{i}

.. |khh3| image:: tex

alt: tex: ||\vec{y_i} \cdot \frac{\vec{c}}{||\vec{c}||} ||=\frac{1}{|| \vec{c} ||} \vec{y_i} \cdot \vec{c}

Since |khh4| is proportional to distance from |y_i| to hyperplane

.. |khh4| image:: tex

alt: tex: \vec{c} \cdot \vec{y}

Previous: [Lecture 8] Next: [Lecture 10] [[Image:Example OldKiwi.jpg]]

Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett