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% Question 1
Question 1:  
function[] = question1()
MATLAB code: [[Media:Example.ogg]]
N1 = sin(2*pi*391.995436*[0:0.0001:1]);        %G quarter note
Sound file: [[Media:Example.ogg]]
N2 = sin(2*pi*466.1637615*[0:0.0001:1]);        %Bflat quarter
N3 = sin(2*pi*523.2511306*[0:0.0001:1.5]);      %C dotted quarter
N4 = sin(2*pi*391.995436*[0:0.0001:1]);        %G quarter
N5 = sin(2*pi*466.1637615*[0:0.0001:1]);        %Bflat quarter
N6 = sin(2*pi*554.3652618*[0:0.0001:0.5]);      %Csharp eigth
N7 = sin(2*pi*523.2511306*[0:0.0001:2]);        %C half
rest = [0:0.0001:2.5];                        %rest half and an eigth
%smoke on the water (part a):
tune = [N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N1 N2 N3 N2 N1 rest];
newtune = [1:1:(length(tune)/2)];
% newtune(t) = tune(2t)
for i=1:(length(tune)/2)
    newtune(1,i) = tune(1,2*i);
%all three parts:
alltunes = [tune newtune newtune];
wavwrite(0.02*alltunes, 18667, 'question1.wav');
1. Repeated phrase "number nine".
2. I don't hear anything in the reversed message.

Revision as of 18:53, 14 January 2011

Question 1: MATLAB code: Media:Example.ogg Sound file: Media:Example.ogg

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