(Homework Help)
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==[[Lecture Notes_MA181Fall2008bell]]==
==[[Lecture Notes_MA181Fall2008bell]]==
==Homework Help==
==Extra Credit==
[[ExtraCreditRiemannSum_MA181Fall2008bell| Extra Credit - Riemann Sum]]
[[ExtraCreditRiemannSum_MA181Fall2008bell| Extra Credit - Riemann Sum]]
[[ChallengeProblem _MA181Fall2008bell| Challenge Problem about the sum for <math>\pi/4</math>]]
==Homework Help==
[[Homework 8_MA181Fall2008bell]]
[[Homework 8_MA181Fall2008bell]]

Revision as of 10:26, 14 October 2008

Math 181 Honors Calculus

Getting started editing

Note on Kiwi display with LaTeX_MA181Fall2008bell

Lecture Notes_MA181Fall2008bell

Extra Credit

Extra Credit - Riemann Sum

Challenge Problem about the sum for $ \pi/4 $

Homework Help

Homework 8_MA181Fall2008bell

Homework 9_MA181Fall2008bell

Homework 10_MA181Fall2008bell

Homework 11_MA181Fall2008bell

Homework 12_MA181Fall2008bell

Interesting Articles About Calculus and Math

The minimum volume happens at the average_MA181Fall2008bell

Interesting Integration

Not Calculus: Area of a triangle defined by three tangential circles_MA181Fall2008bell

Cycloid Function_MA181Fall2008bell??

Learn LaTeX_MA181Fall2008bell

Common Latex Commands http://authors.aps.org/latex/

Solution to Exams_MA181Fall2008bell

Useful Formulas_MA181Fall2008bell

Alumni Liaison

Correspondence Chess Grandmaster and Purdue Alumni

Prof. Dan Fleetwood