(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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[[Category:ECE301Spring2013JVK]] [[Category:ECE]] [[Category:ECE301]] [[Category:signalandsystems]] [[Category:problem solving]]
[[Category:ECE301Spring2013JVK]] [[Category:ECE]] [[Category:ECE301]] [[Category:signalandsystems]] [[Category:problem solving]]
[[Category:Impulse Response]]
1.An impulse response, often denoted by h(t), is also called a transfer function or frequency response in frequency domain. It’s the output of In a LTI system when presented with a impulse signal input δ(t). In a LTI systems, impulse response is also equivalent to green’s function used in physics.
1.An impulse response, often denoted by h(t), is also called a transfer function or frequency response in frequency domain. It’s the output of In a LTI system when presented with a impulse signal input δ(t). In a LTI systems, impulse response is also equivalent to green’s function used in physics.
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Source: Elementary differential eqution with boundary value problems  by William E boyce. Ricahrd DeDrima
Source: Elementary differential eqution with boundary value problems  by William E boyce. Ricahrd DeDrima
[[Category:Impulse Response]]
[[Category:Fourier series]]
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xlabel('t'), ylabel('y(t)');title(['N = ',int2str(N(i))]);
xlabel('t'), ylabel('y(t)');title(['N = ',int2str(N(i))]);
[[Category:Fourier series]]
3. Spatial image filtering operations:
3. Spatial image filtering operations:
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figure; imshow(imgSharp); title('Sharpened image')
figure; imshow(imgSharp); title('Sharpened image')
figure; surfc(s)
figure; surfc(s)
[[ECE301bonus2|Back to the 2nd bonus point opportunity, ECE301 Spring 2013]]

Latest revision as of 22:38, 10 March 2013

1.An impulse response, often denoted by h(t), is also called a transfer function or frequency response in frequency domain. It’s the output of In a LTI system when presented with a impulse signal input δ(t). In a LTI systems, impulse response is also equivalent to green’s function used in physics.

General theory of nth order ODE:

An nth order linear differential equation is an equation of the form


Divide by Po(t) to get the following form


Has n initial conditions


A theorem states, if the functions p1, p2 …..,pn, and G are continuous on the open interval I, then there exists exactly one solution y = φ(t) of the differential equation (2) that also satisfies the initial conditions (3).

Source: Elementary differential eqution with boundary value problems by William E boyce. Ricahrd DeDrima

2. Illustration of Gibbs phenomenon:


The overshoot increases as the number of terms increases, but approachs a finite limit.

Code: t=linspace(-2,2,2000); y=[sawtooth(-((t+1)*pi))]; N=[25,50,150,500]; for i=1:4; an=[]; for m=1:N(i) an=[an,4*cos(m*pi/2)/(m*pi)]; end; fn=0; for m=1:N(i) fn=fn+an(m)*sin(m*pi/2*t); end; subplot(2,2,i) plot(t,y,'LineWidth',2); hold on; plot(t,fn,'m','LineWidth',2); hold off; axis([-2 2 -1.5 1.5]); grid; xlabel('t'), ylabel('y(t)');title(['N = ',int2str(N(i))]); end;

3. Spatial image filtering operations:


Code: clc clear all img = imread('Lena.jpg') f = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],100); imgGaussian = imfilter(img,f); figure; imshow(img); title('Original'); figure; imshow(imgGaussian); title('Blurred image') figure; surfc(f) s = fspecial('unsharp'); imgSharp = imfilter(img, s); figure; imshow(imgSharp); title('Sharpened image') figure; surfc(s)

Back to the 2nd bonus point opportunity, ECE301 Spring 2013

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang