(New page: %ECE301 HW01 Jiaqi Jiang del = 0.00005; tempo = 112; bps = tempo/60; beatlength = bps^(-1); fre = 440; %Problem 1 %part 1 h = 0:del:(2*beatlength); q = 0:del:beatlength; e = 0:del:(beatl...)
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%Message: let me on dead man
%Message: let me on dead man

Latest revision as of 11:35, 19 January 2011

%ECE301 HW01 Jiaqi Jiang

del = 0.00005; tempo = 112; bps = tempo/60; beatlength = bps^(-1); fre = 440; %Problem 1 %part 1

h = 0:del:(2*beatlength); q = 0:del:beatlength; e = 0:del:(beatlength/2); dq = 0:del:(1.5*beatlength);

G = fre*(2^(-1/6)); BF = fre*(2^(1/12)); C = fre*(2^(1/4)); DF = fre*(2^(1/3));

qG = sin(2*pi*q*G); qBF = sin(2*pi*q*BF); dqC = sin(2*pi*dq*C); eDF = sin(2*pi*e*DF); hC = sin(2*pi*h*C);

song_normal = [qG,qBF,dqC,qG,qBF,eDF,hC,qG,qBF,dqC,qBF,qG]; sound(song_normal,1/del); pause(5); wavwrite(song_normal,1/del,'normal');

%part 2 fast_beatlength = beatlength /2;

h = 0:del:(2*fast_beatlength); q = 0:del:fast_beatlength; e = 0:del:(fast_beatlength/2); dq = 0:del:(1.5*fast_beatlength);

qG = sin(2*pi*q*G); qBF = sin(2*pi*q*BF); dqC = sin(2*pi*dq*C); eDF = sin(2*pi*e*DF); hC = sin(2*pi*h*C);

song_fast = [qG,qBF,dqC,qG,qBF,eDF,hC,qG,qBF,dqC,qBF,qG]; sound(song_fast,1/del); pause(5); wavwrite(song_normal,1/del,'fast');

%part 3 h = 0:del:(2*beatlength); q = 0:del:beatlength; e = 0:del:(beatlength/2); dq = 0:del:(1.5*beatlength);

G = 2*fre*(2^(-1/6)); BF = 2*fre*(2^(1/12)); C = 2*fre*(2^(1/4)); DF = 2*fre*(2^(1/3));

qG = sin(2*pi*q*G); qBF = sin(2*pi*q*BF); dqC = sin(2*pi*dq*C); eDF = sin(2*pi*e*DF); hC = sin(2*pi*h*C);

song_high = [qG,qBF,dqC,qG,qBF,eDF,hC,qG,qBF,dqC,qBF,qG]; sound(song_high,1/del); pause(5); wavwrite(song_normal,1/del,'high');

%Problem 2

[input, Fs] = wavread('Beatles.wav'); output = flipud(input); sound(output,Fs); wavwrite(output,Fs,'output');

%Message: let me on dead man





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