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[[Category:signal processing]]
[[Category:lecture notes]]
== ECE438 Course Notes January 14, 2009 ==
=Lecture Notes for [[ECE438]] Spring 2009, [[user:mboutin|Prof. Boutin]]=
*[[CourseNotes1_(BoutinSpring2009)|Course Notes Lecture 1 Jan. 14, 2009]]
*[[CourseNotes2_(BoutinSpring2009)|Course Notes Lecture 2 Jan. 16, 2009]]
*[[CourseNotes3_(BoutinSpring2009)|Course Notes Lecture 3 Jan. 21, 2009]]
ECE438 is about digital signals and systems
*[[CourseNotes4_(BoutinSpring2009)|Course Notes Lecture 4 Jan. 23, 2009]]
*[[CourseNotes6_(BoutinSpring2009)|Course Notes Lecture 6 Jan. 28, 2009]]
2) Digital Signal = a signal that can be represented by a sequence of 0's and 1's.
*[[CourseNotes16_(BoutinSpring2009)|Course Notes Lecture 16 Feb. 23, 2009]]
so the signal must be DT X(t) = t, i.e. need x(n), n belongs to Z
*[[CourseNotes20_(BoutinSpring2009)|Course Notes Lecture 20 Mar. 11, 2009]]
*[[CourseNotes30_(BoutinSpring2009)|Course Notes Lecture 30 Apr. 17, 2009]]
Signal values must be discrete
[[ECE438_(BoutinFall2009)|Back to ECE438, Spring 2009]]
-<math>x(n) \in {0,1}</math> <-- binary valued signal
<br/><math>x(n) \in {0,1,2,...,255}</math> <-- gray scale valued signal
Another example of digital signal
-the pixels in a bitmap image (grayscale) can have a value of 0,1,2,...,255 for each individual pixel.
--If you concatenate all the rows of the image you can convert it to a 1 dimensional signal.
i.e. <math>x = (row1,row2,row3)</math>
2D Digital signal = signal that can be represented by an array of 0's and 1's
<u>example</u>: 128x128 gray scale image<br/>
<math>p_{ij} \in {0,...,255}</math>
matrix <math>A_{ij} = p_{ij}</math> of size 128x128 <br/>
<strong>Digital Systems</strong> = system that can process a ditital signal.<br/>
<li>Software (MATLAB,C, ...) </li>
<li>Digital Hardware</li>
== Advantages of Digital Systems ==
<li>easier to store data</li>
<li>easier to build:
    <li>just need to represent 2 states instead of a continuous range of values</li>
<strong>Software based digital systems</strong>
<li>easier to build</li>
<li>cheap to build</li>
<li>easy to fix/upgrade</li>
<strong>Hardware-based digital systems</strong>
<table border="1px">
<td  width="50%" align="center" valign="top">
<strong>Continuous time world</strong>
<li>most natural signals live here</li>
<li>things are easy to write, understand, conceptualize</li>
<td width="50%" align="center" valign="top">
<strong>Digital World</strong>
<li>digital media signals live here along with computers, MATLAB, digital circuits</li>
<p>These world are brought together using sampling & quantization, as well as reconstruction</p>
== Signal Characteristics ==
  <li>Deterministic vs. random
      <li>x(t) well defined , s.a. <math>x(t) =  e^{j\pi t}</math></li>
      <li>x(n) well defined , s.a. <math>x(n) = j^{n}</math> <br/>ex: Lena's image</li>
      <li>x(t) drawn according to some distribution</li>
      <li>example: x(t) white noise<br/>x = rand(10) (almost) random</li>
  <li>Periodic vs. non-periodic
  <ul><li> if <math>\exists</math> positive T such that x(t+T) = x(t),<math>\forall t</math> then we say that x(t) is periodic with period T</li></ul>

Latest revision as of 06:37, 16 September 2013

Lecture Notes for ECE438 Spring 2009, Prof. Boutin

Back to ECE438, Spring 2009

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva