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[[Media:Example.ogg _ECE301Fall2008mboutin| Sound File 1 44100Hz]]
[[Media:Example.ogg _ECE301Fall2008mboutin| Sound File 1 44100Hz]]
[[Media:Example.ogg _ECE301Fall2008mboutin| Sound File 2 22050Hz]]
[[Media:Example.ogg _ECE301Fall2008mboutin| Sound File 2 22050Hz]]
[[Media:Example.ogg _ECE301Fall2008mboutin| Sound File 3 11025Hz]]
[[Media:Example.ogg _ECE301Fall2008mboutin| Sound File 3 11025Hz]]

Revision as of 16:00, 4 September 2008

Sound Files

Here are the links to the sound files for the song played backwards at 44100Hz, 22050Hz, and 11025Hz. The code also plays it foward, but i didnt feel like making a sound file for that seeing how its on the main homework page.

Sound File 1 44100Hz

Sound File 2 22050Hz

Sound File 3 11025Hz


% Mark Frankosky (
% ECE 301 HW 1.2

% This file will read in the .wav file 'jpforward.wav' and play it back 
% with a sample frequency of 44100 Hz, and then flip the file
% and play taht back at a sample frequecy of 44100Hz, 22050Hz, and 11025Hz
% respectively
% For this to work locally you will need the file 'jpforward.wav' stored in
% the same directory taht you will run the code from.

Fname = 'jpforward.wav';
Fs1   = 44100;
Fs2   = 22050;
Fs3   = 11025;
Fs4   = 8000;

wavFoward     = wavread(Fname);
wavBackwards  = flipud(wavFoward);

fprintf('Foward at 44100 Hz...\n');
fprintf('Backwards at 44100 Hz...\n');
wavplay(wavBackwards, Fs1);
fprintf('Backwards at 22050 Hz...\n');
wavplay(wavBackwards, Fs2);
fprintf('backwards at 11025 Hz...\n');
wavplay(wavBackwards, Fs3);

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