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I'm Jamie Weigandt, I am graduate student in the department of mathematics specializing in Algorithmic Number Theory, Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, and Arithmetic Statistics.
==Jamie Weigandt==
= Note on this page =
For the time being I will use LaTeX code freely when editing this page.  
Jamie Weigandt is an alumnus of the Purdue mathematics department (2008) and starting his third year of graduate studies in the same department. He's beginning his second year in the National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program studying Algebra and Number Theory with Prof. Edray Goins. He's particularly interested computational and statistical questions concerning the arithmetic of elliptic curves.
== Random Thoughts About Rhea as I use it ==
= Note on this page  =
*Can we add LaTeX functionality with jsmath, at least for the pages relevant to mathematicians?
For the time being I will use LaTeX code freely when editing this page. When the jsmath plugin is installed it should TeX on the fly in your browser.
*Can we add the option to "Open Poor editior in a new window"? The sidebar gets too big when I increase the font size to see in safari.
= The Bigfoot Project =
= Projects =
As a motivating project for learning a lot of background material I am engaged in what I consider a mythical quest to find an elliptic curve over $\Bbb Q$ with torsion subgroup $Z_2 \times Z_8$ and Mordell-Weil rank at least 4. Such a curve is affectionally referred to by my friends and I as "The Bigfoot." This nomenclature is somewhat misleading, such a curve, should it exist is not by any stretch of the imagination expected to be unique. I hope to expound on the status of this project at a later date.  
I'm hoping to use this space to describe some of my current projects. These include
For now I will be motivated in my development of this page by 3 facts:
* A database of Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Torsion
* Connections between the Mordell-Weil ranks and Szpiro Ratios of elliptic curves
* Finding elliptic curves of conductor less than $10^6$ which do not appear in the Stein-Watkins database.
* Transfers that Track Down Atypical ABC Triples. (I was feeling whimsical... deal with it!)
* Work with Matt Davis and James Ryan concerning the Erdös-Woods problem.
*My bank account is suffering from conference fatigue.
There are also a number of current developments in the field that I will be trying to learn about. These include
*There is an essay contest for which I can win $100.
*I'd like to stop eating at Taco Bell.
That being said I'll get right to this following section:
* The work of Mazur and Rubin reducing Hilbert's Tenth Problem for the rings of integers of number fields to the Shafarevich-Tate conjecture.
* The work of Bhargava the average size of Selmer groups of elliptic curves.
* Heath-Brown's result on the distribution of Selmer ranks of elliptic curves, and the subsequent generalization to "generic" curves with full two-torsion by Swinnerton-Dyer.
* The two recent proofs of the ABC conjecture for the ring of entire functions. I will need to learn some Nevanlinna theory to understand this business.
= Why do I "math"? =
= Essay Contest Entry =
== Note about the Development of this Essay ==
If you're looking for my essay contest entry for "Why do I 'math'?", it can be found [[Why_do_I_math_-_Weigandt | here ]].
As this is a wiki page, I will take the liberty to develop my essay freely on this page. That being said, there will initially be a lot of material that is unclear. I won't make sense to anyone but myself, or perhaps not even myself. Hopefully, since a record of these edits will remain, it will provide insight anyone trying to write a similar essay. This seems quite similar to one of those "Statement of Purpose" type questions that anyone wanting to go to grad school will have to write about.
== A Remark About the Question ==
This questions is somewhat general and open to interpretation. This is good, it provides me with some freedom to see where the ideas take me, and then decide my interpretation of the question based on the answer I come up with. This is something that I think mathematicians do a lot. The example that comes to mind is Andrew Wiles proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. Wiles was trying to prove the modularity of all elliptic curves, something that is of great mathematical interest. He was unable to complete this task, but was able to prove that a large enough class of elliptic curves were "modular" that the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem followed from the work of Ribet. The story he told was determined by what he was able to do. So the story I tell will depend on how much I develop this essay.
I want to muse about 3 fundamentally important parts of the mathematical experience.
* Open Questions
* The Beauty of Mathematical Discovery
* Telling Stories
I think mathematics is highly misunderstood in the general populous, even the college educated populous. Some of my ramblings will (at least temporarily) be in the form of questions and answers, where the question will come from some generic member of the populous, who I may occasionally address as Charlie. Charlie being a ficticious everyman character developed by my friends and I at Purdue Improv Club.
==Open Questions==
I think there are several great misconception in the general public about mathematics. One of these is that mathematics is a subject about which everything is known, and that the only job of a mathematician is to pass this perfect knowledge onward to the next generation. I assure you this is *NOT* that case! Were it I would find mathematics quite a sad and meaningless existence, and I would quit doing it.
"... number theory has an annoying habit: the field produces, without effort, innumerable problems which have a sweet, innocent air about them, tempting flowers; and yet ... the quests for the solutions to these problems have been known to lead to the creation (from nothing) of theories which spread their light on all mathematics, have been known to goad mathematicians on to achieve major unifications of their science, have been known to entail painful exertion in other branches of mathematics to make those branches serviceable. Number theory swarms with bugs, waiting to bit the tempted flower-lovers who, once bitten, are inspired to excesses of effort!"
-Barry Mazur, "Number Theory as Gadfly"

Latest revision as of 04:18, 13 August 2010

Jamie Weigandt


Jamie Weigandt is an alumnus of the Purdue mathematics department (2008) and starting his third year of graduate studies in the same department. He's beginning his second year in the National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program studying Algebra and Number Theory with Prof. Edray Goins. He's particularly interested computational and statistical questions concerning the arithmetic of elliptic curves.

Note on this page

For the time being I will use LaTeX code freely when editing this page. When the jsmath plugin is installed it should TeX on the fly in your browser.


I'm hoping to use this space to describe some of my current projects. These include

  • A database of Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Torsion
  • Connections between the Mordell-Weil ranks and Szpiro Ratios of elliptic curves
  • Finding elliptic curves of conductor less than $10^6$ which do not appear in the Stein-Watkins database.
  • Transfers that Track Down Atypical ABC Triples. (I was feeling whimsical... deal with it!)
  • Work with Matt Davis and James Ryan concerning the Erdös-Woods problem.

There are also a number of current developments in the field that I will be trying to learn about. These include

  • The work of Mazur and Rubin reducing Hilbert's Tenth Problem for the rings of integers of number fields to the Shafarevich-Tate conjecture.
  • The work of Bhargava the average size of Selmer groups of elliptic curves.
  • Heath-Brown's result on the distribution of Selmer ranks of elliptic curves, and the subsequent generalization to "generic" curves with full two-torsion by Swinnerton-Dyer.
  • The two recent proofs of the ABC conjecture for the ring of entire functions. I will need to learn some Nevanlinna theory to understand this business.

Essay Contest Entry

If you're looking for my essay contest entry for "Why do I 'math'?", it can be found here .

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva