(The ChangeLog)
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== The ChangeLog ==
== The ChangeLog ==
[[User:KyoHyouk|KyoHyouk Kim]]
[[User:KyoHyouk|KyoHyouk Kim]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Add links for clustering techniques
* 2008/04/07 -- Add figure of impurity function on Lecture 21
* 2008/04/17 -- Add link and contens for ISODATA clustering method  
* 2008/04/17 -- Add link and contens for ISODATA clustering method  
[[User:arora6|Abhishek Arora]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Moved the page and converted all equations and uploaded figures [[SVM-2D_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Moved the page [[Bayes Example_OldKiwi]]
[[User:Bsisman|Bunyamin Sisman]]
[[User:Bsisman|Bunyamin Sisman]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Added some explanations and a figure to lecture 22 for clustering.
* 2008/04/06 -- Introduced different kinds of clustering algorithms and a simple example with a figure for image segmentation and compression using k-means algorithm in lecture 22.
* 2008/04/13 -- Added some explanations, links and a animated gif for Minimum spanning tree algorithms to lecture 24.
* 2008/04/13 -- Added some explanations, links and a animated gif for Minimum spanning tree algorithms to lecture 24.
* 2008/04/16 -- Added some explanations to Farthest Neighbor Algorithm.
* 2008/04/16 -- Added some explanations to Farthest Neighbor Algorithm.
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[[User:wlunga|Dalton Lunga]]
[[User:wlunga|Dalton Lunga]]
* 2008/04/01 -- Added the topic: [[Graphical models_OldKiwi]] and gave a description of how these models link to decision trees.
* 2008/04/08  -- Added partial class notes for Lecture 23 - [[Spanning Trees‎_OldKiwi]] [[Graphical Clustering Methods_OldKiwi]]  
* 2008/04/08  -- Added partial class notes for Lecture 23 - [[Spanning Trees‎_OldKiwi]] [[Graphical Clustering Methods_OldKiwi]]  
* 2008/04/08  -- Added partial class notes for Lecture 23 - [[Spanning Trees‎_OldKiwi]] [[Graph Theory Clustering_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/08  -- Added partial class notes for Lecture 23 - [[Spanning Trees‎_OldKiwi]] [[Graph Theory Clustering_OldKiwi]]
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[[User:ebernard|Elvin Bernard]]
[[User:ebernard|Elvin Bernard]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Created new pages for the [[Glossary_OldKiwi]] items: [[Distance_OldKiwi]], [[Metric_OldKiwi]], [[Generic Property_OldKiwi]], [[Hilbert Space_OldKiwi]], [[Histogram Density Estimation_OldKiwi]], [[Impurity_OldKiwi]], [[Informative Prior_OldKiwi]], [[Kernel Functions_OldKiwi]], [[Lagrange Multipliers_OldKiwi]], [[LUT - Look-Up Table_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/17 -- Moved old pages and/or created new pages for the [[Glossary_OldKiwi]] items: [[Likelihood Principle_OldKiwi]], [[Linear Discriminant Functions (LDF)_OldKiwi]], [[Manhattan Distance_OldKiwi]], [[Minkowski Metric_OldKiwi]], [[MLE_OldKiwi]], [[Nonparametric regression/density estimation_OldKiwi]], [[Non-parametric Model_OldKiwi]], [[Overfitting_OldKiwi]], [[Parameter Estimation_OldKiwi]], [[Parametric Model_OldKiwi]], [[Patterns_OldKiwi]], [[Parzen Window_OldKiwi]], [[Penalty Methods_OldKiwi]], [[Posterior_OldKiwi]], [[Principal Component Analysis_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/17 -- Moved old pages and/or created new pages for the [[Glossary_OldKiwi]] items: [[Likelihood Principle_OldKiwi]], [[Linear Discriminant Functions (LDF)_OldKiwi]], [[Manhattan Distance_OldKiwi]], [[Minkowski Metric_OldKiwi]], [[MLE_OldKiwi]], [[Nonparametric regression/density estimation_OldKiwi]], [[Non-parametric Model_OldKiwi]], [[Overfitting_OldKiwi]], [[Parameter Estimation_OldKiwi]], [[Parametric Model_OldKiwi]], [[Patterns_OldKiwi]], [[Parzen Window_OldKiwi]], [[Penalty Methods_OldKiwi]], [[Posterior_OldKiwi]], [[Principal Component Analysis_OldKiwi]].
[[User:zhu0|Fengqing Zhu]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Added resources to Content-based Image/video Retrieval in [[Image Processing_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Added references to [[Decision Tree_OldKiwi]]
[[User:gsrivast|Gaurav Srivastava]]
[[User:gsrivast|Gaurav Srivastava]]
* 2008/04/02 -- Edited [[Lecture 21 - Decision Trees(Continued)_OldKiwi]]. Added the description of answering the three crucial questions and added two figures Node.jpg[http://balthier.ecn.purdue.edu/index.php/Image:Node.jpg] and Balance.jpg[http://balthier.ecn.purdue.edu/index.php/Image:Balance.jpg].
* 2008/04/08 -- Added the section 'Different types of clustering algorithms and their references' on the [[Clustering_OldKiwi]] page.
* 2008/04/08 -- Added the section 'Different types of clustering algorithms and their references' on the [[Clustering_OldKiwi]] page.
* 2008/04/18 -- This posting is for week 14. Previous posting is for week 13. Added a new page giving a simple definition and illustrative example of Minimum Description Length ([[MDL_OldKiwi]]) principle. Click here -->> [[MDL_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/18 -- This posting is for week 14. Previous posting is for week 13. Added a new page giving a simple definition and illustrative example of Minimum Description Length ([[MDL_OldKiwi]]) principle. Click here -->> [[MDL_OldKiwi]]
[[User:hsantosv|Hector Santos]]
* 2008/04/03 -- Added figure examples for hierarchical and partition clusters in [[Lecture 22 - Decision Trees and Clustering_OldKiwi]]
[[User:jinha|Jinha Jung]]
* 2008/04/03 -- Create a new page on [[Convert LIBSVM to FANN python_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/03 -- Add link on [[Tools_OldKiwi]]
[[User:jinyoung|Jinyoung Kim]]
[[User:jinyoung|Jinyoung Kim]]
* 2008/04/05 -- Create one example of the applicaiton of K-NN to estimatimation of time series [[Course Topics_OldKiwi]]  [[kNN Algorithm_OldKiwi]] [[Discussion_OldKiwi]] 
* 2008/04/05 -- Describe advantage and disadvantage of K-NN algorithm [[Course Topics_OldKiwi]]  [[kNN Algorithm_OldKiwi]] [[Discussion_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/12 -- Describe algorithms to find minimum spanning tree - Prim & Kruskal & Comparison [[Lecture 24_OldKiwi]] [[Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering_OldKiwi]] [[Discussion_OldKiwi]]  
* 2008/04/12 -- Describe algorithms to find minimum spanning tree - Prim & Kruskal & Comparison [[Lecture 24_OldKiwi]] [[Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering_OldKiwi]] [[Discussion_OldKiwi]]  
* 2008/04/12 -- Add a link to download Matlab code to find MST [[Lecture 23_OldKiwi]] [[Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]] [[Discussion_OldKiwi]]  
* 2008/04/12 -- Add a link to download Matlab code to find MST [[Lecture 23_OldKiwi]] [[Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]] [[Discussion_OldKiwi]]  
[[User:jcillier|Johannes Cilliers]]
[[User:jcillier|Johannes Cilliers]]
* 2008/04/07 -- added animation to [[Lecture 22 - Decision Trees and Clustering_OldKiwi]] showing how moving a training point can affect the cluster.
* 2008/04/08 -- started [[Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]]with definitions of terms
* 2008/04/08 -- started [[Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]]with definitions of terms
[[User:yoder2|Josiah Yoder]]
[[User:yoder2|Josiah Yoder]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Added a page on [[Naive Bayes_OldKiwi]]  Classification, including Matlab source for the figures.
* 2008/04/07, 3:01 pm -- Added a page instructing how to insert example [[Matlab_OldKiwi]] code. Check it out everyone, it's easy!
* 2008/04/17 -- Added a page on [[Bayes classification_OldKiwi]].  Started copying material from pertinent lectures
* 2008/04/17 -- Added a page on [[Bayes classification_OldKiwi]].  Started copying material from pertinent lectures
* 2008/04/17 -- Converted my TeX notes with [[latex2wiki_OldKiwi]] to complete the text [[Lecture_26_-_Statistical_Clustering_Methods_OldKiwi]], particularly  
* 2008/04/17 -- Converted my TeX notes with [[latex2wiki_OldKiwi]] to complete the text [[Lecture_26_-_Statistical_Clustering_Methods_OldKiwi]], particularly  
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[[User:gong1|Jungtag Gong]]
[[User:gong1|Jungtag Gong]]
* 2008/04/03 -- Linked two tutorials of decision tree and the lecture and example of Fisher linear discriminant to [[Glossary_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Linked the advantages and disadvantages of non-parametric techniques, a useful lecture of KNN, and the comparison Parzen study websites in [[Lecture 16 - Parzen Window Method and K-nearest Neighbor Density Estimate_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Added non-parametric techniques [[Course Topics_OldKiwi]] [[KNN Algorithm_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/12 -- Created related websites and linked the websites of MST,Prim,Kruskal,Baruvka algorithms in [[Lecture_24_-Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi]].  
* 2008/04/12 -- Created related websites and linked the websites of MST,Prim,Kruskal,Baruvka algorithms in [[Lecture_24_-Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi]].  
[[User:kng|KaKi Ng]]
[[User:kng|KaKi Ng]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Added references to [[Decision Tree_OldKiwi]]  
* 2008/04/07 -- Added references to [[Decision Tree_OldKiwi]] -> To be considered for week (april 7- april 18)
[[User:han1|Kihwan Han]]
[[User:han1|Kihwan Han]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Updated Course topic [[Metrics and Similarity Measures_OldKiwi]] and created course topic [[K continuous derivatives_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/08 -- Updated [[Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]] (All texts and Figure 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 of Graphical clustering methods)
* 2008/04/08 -- Updated [[Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]] (All texts and Figure 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 of Graphical clustering methods)
* 2008/04/16 -- Created [[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_OldKiwi]] (Algorithms for clustering from feature vector: All texts and equations 2-1 ~ 2-15)
* 2008/04/16 -- Created [[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_OldKiwi]] (Algorithms for clustering from feature vector: All texts and equations 2-1 ~ 2-15)
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[[User:huffmalm|Landis Huffman]]
[[User:huffmalm|Landis Huffman]]
* 2008/04/03 -- Added a link to a good SVM resource on the [[Homework 2_OldKiwi]] page.  Also copied all SVM resources listed on the [[Homework 2_OldKiwi]] page to the [[Support Vector Machines_OldKiwi]] page.
* 2008/04/03 -- Directed some links on the [[Glossary_OldKiwi]] page to the appropriate pages.
* 2008/04/07 -- Attempted to upload a .avi video for [[Bayes_Decision_Rule_OldKiwi]].  After finding that this host will not accept the files, and finding that I cannot embed a YouTube player, I created an image to represent the video and posted to the link on the [[Bayes_Decision_Rule_OldKiwi]] page.
* 2008/04/10 -- Created a page [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi]].  Created diagrams to illustrate the various means of representation of hierarchical clustering and included them on the page.
* 2008/04/10 -- Created a page [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi]].  Created diagrams to illustrate the various means of representation of hierarchical clustering and included them on the page.
* 2008/04/10 -- Posted my code for the [Bayes_Decision_Rule] video and linked to the code on that page.  Also linked [[Lecture_6_-_Discriminant_Functions_OldKiwi]] on the page.
* 2008/04/10 -- Posted my code for the [Bayes_Decision_Rule] video and linked to the code on that page.  Also linked [[Lecture_6_-_Discriminant_Functions_OldKiwi]] on the page.
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[[User:lbachega|Leonardo Bachega]]
[[User:lbachega|Leonardo Bachega]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Added Parzen Window classification code written in Scilab
* 2008/04/06 -- Fixed Formating on the page [[Lecture 16 - Parzen Window Method and K-nearest Neighbor Density Estimate_OldKiwi]]. Fixed formulas, added section structure, pointer to Scilab code: [[Working Parzen Window Code in Scilab_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/07 -- Fixed formating on the page [[Lecture 22 - Decision Trees and Clustering_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Fixed formating in several entries of the [[ECE662:Glossary_OldKiwi]], converting formulas to the latex format, and fixing typos. Also added links to external references such as Wikipedia. The entries touched include but are not restricted to: Manhattan distance, Euclidean distance, MAP estimation, Linear Discriminant
* 2008/04/07 -- Added figure in [[Lecture 17 - Nearest Neighbors Clarification Rule and Metrics_OldKiwi]] illustrating different metrics. Converted some formulas to latex. Added the infinite norm metric
* 2008/04/18 -- Wrote the article on  [[Spectral Methods_OldKiwi]] and the article on[[PCA: Principal Component Analysis]], linked the pre-existing [[Fisher Linear Discriminant_OldKiwi]] to the Spectral Methods page and added references in the PCA page as well as drew the figure.
* 2008/04/18 -- Wrote the article on  [[Spectral Methods_OldKiwi]] and the article on[[PCA: Principal Component Analysis]], linked the pre-existing [[Fisher Linear Discriminant_OldKiwi]] to the Spectral Methods page and added references in the PCA page as well as drew the figure.
[[User:guptam|Madhur Gupta]]
[[User:guptam|Madhur Gupta]]
* 2008/04/01 -- Created the page for [[Lecture 21 - Decision Trees(Continued)_OldKiwi]]. Added the example of fruits, and Three crucial questions to answer.
* 2008/04/03 -- Added to [[Lecture 22 - Decision Trees and Clustering_OldKiwi]] the section named "Clustering as a useful technique for searching in databases". This includes the example of Dewey system with figure, and the example of face recognition without figure.
* 2008/04/08 -- Added the first set of notes to [[Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]], namely the section "Clustering Method, given the pairwise distances", with the text, a distance table, a figure showing the ideal clustering situation, and a figure presenting the case when the algorithm won't work well.
* 2008/04/08 -- Added the first set of notes to [[Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]], namely the section "Clustering Method, given the pairwise distances", with the text, a distance table, a figure showing the ideal clustering situation, and a figure presenting the case when the algorithm won't work well.
* 2008/04/16 -- Added the set of lecture notes for [[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_OldKiwi]] under the section "Clustering Methods - A summary". This includes a table for summary of Clustering methods titled "Figure 1". It also includes some text explaining defect in these methods and motivation for feature vector-based methods, which involve projection to lower dimensions. I do not provide the illustrating figures for the text, but I annotate for the same at two places.
* 2008/04/16 -- Added the set of lecture notes for [[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_OldKiwi]] under the section "Clustering Methods - A summary". This includes a table for summary of Clustering methods titled "Figure 1". It also includes some text explaining defect in these methods and motivation for feature vector-based methods, which involve projection to lower dimensions. I do not provide the illustrating figures for the text, but I annotate for the same at two places.
[[User:Mboschru|Marc Bosch]]
[[User:Mboschru|Marc Bosch]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Created in the [[Clustering_OldKiwi]] section in course topics the page for [[Hierarchical clustering_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/03 -- Created in the [[Clustering_OldKiwi]] section in course topics the page for [[Mixture of Gaussians_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/10 -- Added two papers in [[Publications_OldKiwi]] that we discussed on class by B. King and S. Johnson.
* 2008/04/10 -- Added two papers in [[Publications_OldKiwi]] that we discussed on class by B. King and S. Johnson.
* 2008/04/10 -- Created in the [[Clustering_OldKiwi]] section in course topics the page for [[Fuzzy C-means_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/10 -- Created in the [[Clustering_OldKiwi]] section in course topics the page for [[Fuzzy C-means_OldKiwi]].
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[[User:nbedwell|Neil Bedwell]]
[[User:nbedwell|Neil Bedwell]]
* 2008/04/12 -- Added the remainder of notes to [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi# Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)|Lecture 24 Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)]], including LaTex.
* 2008/04/12 -- Added the remainder of notes to [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi# Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)|Lecture 24 Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)]], including LaTex.
[[User:Pclough|Patrick Clough]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Moved the page [[Supervised learning_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/07 -- Adjusted the width of an image in [[Linear Discriminant Functions_OldKiwi]]
[[User:rsriniva|Rahul Srinivasa Raghavan]]
[[User:rsriniva|Rahul Srinivasa Raghavan]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Ported over all PDF's, pertaining to [[1st Exam_OldKiwi]] of EC301, from old kiwi to new kiwi.
* 2008/04/06 -- Ported over contents, and added some materials pertaining to the Exam section, from old kiwi to new kiwi, for EC301.
* 2008/04/13 -- Ported over all materials, including PDF's pertaining to ECE 301, for [[2nd Exam_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/13 -- Ported over all materials, including PDF's pertaining to ECE 301, for [[2nd Exam_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/13 -- Transferred all the contents of [[3rd Exam_OldKiwi]] from old kiwi to the new one.
* 2008/04/13 -- Transferred all the contents of [[3rd Exam_OldKiwi]] from old kiwi to the new one.
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[[User:sraghav|Saranya Raghavan]]
[[User:sraghav|Saranya Raghavan]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Added link to commercial and free software for Classification using Decision Trees ([[Tools_OldKiwi]]).
* 2008/04/06 -- Added Publication #18 (A Scalable Decision Tree Algorithm) to [[Publications_OldKiwi]], and provided an abstract.
* 2008/04/16 -- Added a page on [[Clustering Algorithms_OldKiwi]], explaining the types of clustering methods and links to software
* 2008/04/16 -- Added a page on [[Clustering Algorithms_OldKiwi]], explaining the types of clustering methods and links to software
[[User:park200|Seong Jun Park]]
[[User:park200|Seong Jun Park]]
* 2008/04/04 -- Moved several images about Neural Network from old kiwi website to the lecture 13.
* 2008/04/06 -- Added lecture notes about image segmentation.
* 2008/04/07 -- Added figures about a sample tree and entropy impurity example in Lecture 22.
* 2008/04/10 -- Added lecture and figures of spanning tree example in Lecture 23.
* 2008/04/10 -- Added lecture and figures of spanning tree example in Lecture 23.
* 2008/04/10 -- Linked the several glossaries used in the graph theory.  
* 2008/04/10 -- Linked the several glossaries used in the graph theory.  
[[User:hu|Shuowen Hu]]
[[User:hu|Shuowen Hu]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Added Figure 5 in Lecture 22 illustrating clustering, specifically hierarchial clustering with human pictures
* 2008/04/06 -- Added figure labels for all pictures in Lecture 22
* 2008/04/16 -- Created Figure 4 in Lecture 23 illustrating clustering with a graph theory approach
* 2008/04/16 -- Created Figure 4 in Lecture 23 illustrating clustering with a graph theory approach
* 2008/04/16 -- Added figure labels for all pictures in Lecture 23
* 2008/04/16 -- Added figure labels for all pictures in Lecture 23
[[User:svenkata|Singanallur V Venkatakrishnan]]
[[User:svenkata|Singanallur V Venkatakrishnan]]
* 2008/04/05 -- Moved the page and converted all formulas [[Geometric Series Note_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Moved and converted ALL equations from [[Homework Problem 5.31_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/13 -- Created a page on [[Graph Algorithms_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/13 -- Created a page on [[Graph Algorithms_OldKiwi]]
[[User:srudolph|Stephen Rudolph]]
[[User:srudolph|Stephen Rudolph]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Created a category for [http://balthier.ecn.purdue.edu/index.php/Category:Lecture_Notes lecture notes] and added all lectures to that category.
* 2008/04/06 -- Created a category for [http://balthier.ecn.purdue.edu/index.php/Category:Cleanup articles that need cleanup] and added a lecture to it.
* 2008/04/06 -- Created a category page for [http://balthier.ecn.purdue.edu/index.php/Category:Optimization optimization].
* 2008/04/10 -- Created a category page for [[:Category:ECE662_OldKiwi]] and organized several pages under it.
* 2008/04/10 -- Created a category page for [[:Category:ECE662_OldKiwi]] and organized several pages under it.
* 2008/04/17 -- Moved new assignment information from lecture notes to dedicated [[Homework 3_OldKiwi]] page and updated the information.
* 2008/04/17 -- Moved new assignment information from lecture notes to dedicated [[Homework 3_OldKiwi]] page and updated the information.
[[User:tha|Thanh Huy Ha]]
[[User:tha|Thanh Huy Ha]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Created the page [[Editing technique_OldKiwi]], a very useful technique which helps us to reduce memory and computation expenses in K-nearest neighbor method.
* 2008/04/17 -- Created the page [[Leave-one-out Cross Validation_OldKiwi]], a technique which helps us to choose the model for KNN or ANN claissification method.
* 2008/04/17 -- Created the page [[Leave-one-out Cross Validation_OldKiwi]], a technique which helps us to choose the model for KNN or ANN claissification method.
[[User:tchen|Thomas Chen]]
[[User:tchen|Thomas Chen]]
* 2008/04/02 -- Edited Lecture 21 - added comment on CART Methodology
* 2008/04/02 -- Edited Lecture 21 - created image ECE662_lect21_stopping.jpg and comments about it at the bottom of the page
* 2008/04/08 -- Edited Lecture 23 - Created animated image ECE662_lect23.gif and created example in lecture notes
* 2008/04/08 -- Edited Lecture 23 - Created animated image ECE662_lect23.gif and created example in lecture notes
* 2008/04/10 -- Edited Lecture 24 - Added notes from agglomerate algorithms for hierarchical clustering
* 2008/04/10 -- Edited Lecture 24 - Added notes from agglomerate algorithms for hierarchical clustering
[[User:chuangt|Tzu-Cheng Chuang]]
[[User:chuangt|Tzu-Cheng Chuang]]
* 2008/04/03 -- Created the page for [[Lecture 22 - Decision Trees and Clustering_OldKiwi]]. Added the note from the beginning to [[Lecture 22 - Decision Trees and Clustering_OldKiwi#What is clustering?|What is clustering]]
* 2008/04/10 -- Added the course note and diagrams to [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi# Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)|Lecture 24 Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)]] which are started from Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST) to Fig.2.
* 2008/04/10 -- Added the course note and diagrams to [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi# Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)|Lecture 24 Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)]] which are started from Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST) to Fig.2.
* 2008/04/17 -- Edited [[Lecture 26 - Statistical Clustering Methods_OldKiwi| Lecture 26]] by adding figure 1 and figure 3.
* 2008/04/17 -- Edited [[Lecture 26 - Statistical Clustering Methods_OldKiwi| Lecture 26]] by adding figure 1 and figure 3.
[[User:ynimmaga|Yamini Nimmagadda]]
[[User:ynimmaga|Yamini Nimmagadda]]
* 2008/04/01 -- Created the figure of a decision tree example in [[Lecture 21 - Decision Trees(Continued)_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/01 -- Defined and added different impurity types and latex equations in [[Lecture 21 - Decision Trees(Continued)_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/01 -- Added the definitions of [[pruning_OldKiwi]] and [[impurity_OldKiwi]] to [[Glossary_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/11 -- Added the definitions of [[Minimum Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]], [[Prim's Algorithm_OldKiwi]] and [[Kruskal's Algorithm_OldKiwi]] to [[Glossary_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/11 -- Added the definitions of [[Minimum Spanning Trees_OldKiwi]], [[Prim's Algorithm_OldKiwi]] and [[Kruskal's Algorithm_OldKiwi]] to [[Glossary_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/11 -- Added [[Video Classification - State of the Art_OldKiwi]] in [[Applications of Pattern Recognition_OldKiwi]]
* 2008/04/11 -- Added [[Video Classification - State of the Art_OldKiwi]] in [[Applications of Pattern Recognition_OldKiwi]]
[[User:mndoye|Mandoye Ndoye]]
[[User:mndoye|Mandoye Ndoye]]
* 2008/04/07 -- Added (i.e. moved) subsection COMPARISION OF MLE AND BAYESIAN PARAMETER ESTIMATION to the [[Parametric Estimators_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/07 -- Added (i.e. moved) subsection PARAMETER ESTIMATION to the [[Parametric Estimators_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/16- Added subsection THE NEYMAN PEARSON FRAMEWORK  to the [[Bayesian Decision Theory_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/16- Added subsection THE NEYMAN PEARSON FRAMEWORK  to the [[Bayesian Decision Theory_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/16- Added subsection A BAYES CLASSIFIER EXAMPLE to the [[Bayesian Decision Theory_OldKiwi]].
* 2008/04/16- Added subsection A BAYES CLASSIFIER EXAMPLE to the [[Bayesian Decision Theory_OldKiwi]].
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[[User:su0|Yun-ting Su]]
[[User:su0|Yun-ting Su]]
* 2008/04/06 -- Created Figure 6 in Lecture 22 to illustrate an example of clustering with image segmentation.
* 2008/04/06 -- Wrote lecture note about image segmentation to describe Figure 6 in Lecture 22
* 2008/04/16 -- Created Figure 7 in [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi# Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)|Lecture 24 Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)]] illustrating Farthesr Neighbor distance with similarity scale
* 2008/04/16 -- Created Figure 7 in [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi# Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)|Lecture 24 Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)]] illustrating Farthesr Neighbor distance with similarity scale
* 2008/04/16 -- Added figure labels following by orderes for all pictures in [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi# Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)|Lecture 24 Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)]]
* 2008/04/16 -- Added figure labels following by orderes for all pictures in [[Lecture_24_-_Clustering_and_Hierarchical_Clustering_OldKiwi# Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)|Lecture 24 Minimum Spanning Tree Methods (MST)]]

Revision as of 13:38, 20 April 2008

Page Formatting

Please keep your changes logged under your name in chronological order (most recent change appended to the bottom of your list). If your name is not included yet, please include it, retaining the alphabetization of the users by name. Entries are sorted by first names alphabetically.

Also take a look at the "changes" and locate your changes when you put them up

To aid the grader, please try to be as exact as possible' in your description. Number your figures and equations and specify those in your ChangeLog entry. Also give a hyperlink to the page(s) you edited.


Bunyamin Sisman

The ChangeLog

KyoHyouk Kim

  • 2008/04/17 -- Add link and contens for ISODATA clustering method

Bunyamin Sisman

  • 2008/04/13 -- Added some explanations, links and a animated gif for Minimum spanning tree algorithms to lecture 24.
  • 2008/04/16 -- Added some explanations to Farthest Neighbor Algorithm.
  • 2008/04/17 -- Created a page and added descriptions with figures for Expectation maximization.

Dalton Lunga

Elvin Bernard

Gaurav Srivastava

  • 2008/04/08 -- Added the section 'Different types of clustering algorithms and their references' on the Clustering_OldKiwi page.
  • 2008/04/18 -- This posting is for week 14. Previous posting is for week 13. Added a new page giving a simple definition and illustrative example of Minimum Description Length (MDL_OldKiwi) principle. Click here -->> MDL_OldKiwi

Jinyoung Kim

Johannes Cilliers

Josiah Yoder

Clustering, Statistical Clustering Methods, and Clustering by finding valleys of densities. Further discussion and figures would still be helpful.

Jungtag Gong

KaKi Ng

  • 2008/04/07 -- Added references to Decision Tree_OldKiwi -> To be considered for week (april 7- april 18)

Kihwan Han

Landis Huffman

Leonardo Bachega

Madhur Gupta

  • 2008/04/08 -- Added the first set of notes to Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_OldKiwi, namely the section "Clustering Method, given the pairwise distances", with the text, a distance table, a figure showing the ideal clustering situation, and a figure presenting the case when the algorithm won't work well.
  • 2008/04/16 -- Added the set of lecture notes for Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_OldKiwi under the section "Clustering Methods - A summary". This includes a table for summary of Clustering methods titled "Figure 1". It also includes some text explaining defect in these methods and motivation for feature vector-based methods, which involve projection to lower dimensions. I do not provide the illustrating figures for the text, but I annotate for the same at two places.

Marc Bosch

Neil Bedwell

Rahul Srinivasa Raghavan

  • 2008/04/13 -- Ported over all materials, including PDF's pertaining to ECE 301, for 2nd Exam_OldKiwi
  • 2008/04/13 -- Transferred all the contents of 3rd Exam_OldKiwi from old kiwi to the new one.

Sahm Litkouhi

  • 2008/04/18 -- Added an example of image segmentation using a nearest neighbors algorithm with my results and a link to the laboratory.

Saranya Raghavan

Seong Jun Park

  • 2008/04/10 -- Added lecture and figures of spanning tree example in Lecture 23.
  • 2008/04/10 -- Linked the several glossaries used in the graph theory.

Shuowen Hu

  • 2008/04/16 -- Created Figure 4 in Lecture 23 illustrating clustering with a graph theory approach
  • 2008/04/16 -- Added figure labels for all pictures in Lecture 23

Singanallur V Venkatakrishnan

Stephen Rudolph

  • 2008/04/10 -- Created a category page for Category:ECE662_OldKiwi and organized several pages under it.
  • 2008/04/17 -- Moved new assignment information from lecture notes to dedicated Homework 3_OldKiwi page and updated the information.

Thanh Huy Ha

Thomas Chen

  • 2008/04/08 -- Edited Lecture 23 - Created animated image ECE662_lect23.gif and created example in lecture notes
  • 2008/04/10 -- Edited Lecture 24 - Added notes from agglomerate algorithms for hierarchical clustering

Tzu-Cheng Chuang

Yamini Nimmagadda

Mandoye Ndoye

Yun-ting Su

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn