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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
19:48, 23 June 2013 Prob50.pdf (file) 75 KB Dangt   1
14:27, 2 July 2013 Prob3-ProblemSet5.pdf (file) 43 KB Dangt   2
14:29, 2 July 2013 Prob6-ProblemSet5.pdf (file) 42 KB Dangt   1
17:52, 2 July 2013 Prob2a-ProblemSet5.pdf (file) 79 KB Dangt   1
17:52, 2 July 2013 Prob2b-ProblemSet5.pdf (file) 79 KB Dangt   1

Alumni Liaison

Prof. Math. Ohio State and Associate Dean
Outstanding Alumnus Purdue Math 2008

Jeff McNeal