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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
22:09, 11 November 2018 Hummingbird.avi (file) 5.08 MB Allen388 Fourier Series reconstruction of a parametric dataset depicting a hummingbird. 1
22:29, 11 November 2018 9terms.png (file) 64 KB Allen388 9 terms of hummingbird reconstruction 1
22:29, 11 November 2018 33terms.png (file) 81 KB Allen388 33 terms of hummingbird reconstruction 1
22:30, 11 November 2018 1251terms.PNG (file) 80 KB Allen388 1251 terms of hummingbird reconstruction 1
22:54, 11 November 2018 PdgInAction.PNG (file) 44 KB Allen388 Parametric Data Set Generator in action 1
23:18, 11 November 2018 (file) 3.41 MB Allen388 A zipped file containing all necessary files to run and experiment with the Fourier Series Convergence bonus project by Stone Allen 1

Alumni Liaison

Meet a recent graduate heading to Sweden for a Postdoctorate.

Christine Berkesch