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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

  • (cur | prev) 18:00, 1 July 2009โ€Ž Yguo (Talk | contribs)โ€Ž . . (205 bytes) (+205)โ€Ž . . (New page: x=input('enter x:'); h=input('enter h:'); l_x=length(x); l_h=length(h); X=[x,zeros(1,l_x)]; H=[h,zeros(1,l_h)]; for k=1:l_x+l_h-1 y(k)=0; for n=1:a if (k-n+1)>0 y(k)=y(k)+x(n)*h(...)

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Prof. Dan Fleetwood