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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

  • (cur | prev) 18:03, 24 June 2009โ€Ž Mzulkifl (Talk | contribs)โ€Ž . . (1,108 bytes) (+1,108)โ€Ž . . (New page: del = 0.0001; % notes needed for the Super Mario theme song part. midA = 440; midC = midA*3/5; midE = 5/4*midC; midG = 3/2*midC; midB = 15/8*midC; lowG = midG/2; lowE = midE/2; lowA = mid...)

Alumni Liaison

Correspondence Chess Grandmaster and Purdue Alumni

Prof. Dan Fleetwood