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Trey's Homepage

trey dot shenk at gmail dot com

  • Education
    • PhD 08/2012-Present Purdue University
    • MS 08/2010-04/2012 Purdue University
    • BS 09/2006-05/2010 Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, FL
      • Major in Electrical Engineering
      • Minor in Mathematics

I am currently a PhD student in Tom Talavage's lab. My work involves data processing of function MRI images (resting-state and tasked-based fMRI). The goal of this research is to characterize neural injury and recovery of collision-sports athletes.


Notes on Entering Math in Rhea - A page designed to help with the practice problems in ECE438.
Trey's Dropbox
Matlab Demonstration of Perfect Reconstruction

Alumni Liaison

Prof. Math. Ohio State and Associate Dean
Outstanding Alumnus Purdue Math 2008

Jeff McNeal