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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
06:13, 17 May 2013 Super-reflect.png (file) 28 KB Amcgail A lot of reflections 1
05:21, 17 May 2013 Reflect.png (file) 11 KB Amcgail Reflection off glass surface 1
04:46, 16 March 2013 Points and segment.png (file) 8 KB Amcgail A few points and a segment, looking for conditions for the intersection of the dotted lines with the solid line. 2
04:10, 16 March 2013 Complicated jordan curve.png (file) 449 KB Amcgail A rather awesome and complex simple, closed curve in the plane. Retrieved 03/16/13 1
03:55, 16 March 2013 Vanderburgh county.png (file) 17 KB Amcgail Vanderburgh County, with point outside marked and ray intersecting county border. 1
03:41, 16 March 2013 Hendricks county.png (file) 15 KB Amcgail Hendricks County, Indiana, with capital 1
11:57, 11 March 2013 Morph t3.png (file) 12 KB Amcgail One type of homomorphism of the unit circle which preserves both insideness and number of intersections 1
11:57, 11 March 2013 Morph t2.png (file) 9 KB Amcgail One type of homomorphism of the unit circle which neither preserves insideness nor number of intersections 1
11:55, 11 March 2013 Morph t1.png (file) 9 KB Amcgail One type of homomorphism of the unit circle which preserves insideness but not number of intersections 1
10:43, 11 March 2013 Curve example with x.png (file) 35 KB Amcgail An example of a closed curve in the plane, with a point marked on its exterior 2
10:38, 11 March 2013 Curve example with y and arrow.png (file) 40 KB Amcgail Example of a closed curve in the plane, with a point marked on its interior, and a ray in an arbitrary direction. The intersections of this ray with the curve are marked. 1
10:37, 11 March 2013 Curve example with x and arrow.png (file) 39 KB Amcgail Example of a closed curve in the plane, with a point marked on its exterior, and a ray in an arbitrary direction 1
10:35, 11 March 2013 Curve example.png (file) 24 KB Amcgail A closed curve in the plane 1

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn