ECE 202 Concept List

Topics Covered: Volt-ampere characteristics for circuit elements; independent and dependent sources; Kirchhoff's laws and circuit equations. Source transformation; Thevenin's and Norton's theorems; superposition. Step response of 1st order (RC, RL) and 2nd order (RLC) circuits. Phasor analysis, impedance calculations, and computation of sinusoidal steady state responses. Instantaneous and average power, complex power, power factor correction, and maximum power transfer. Instantaneous and average power.

Course Outcomes:
i. an ability to define and explain the meaning/function of charge, current, voltage, power, energy, R, L, C, the op amp, and the fundamental principles of Ohm's law, KVL and KCL.
ii. an ability to write the equilibrium equations for a given network and solve using appropriate software as needed for the steady state (dc and ac/phasor) solution.
iii. an ability to state and apply the principles of superposition, linearity, source transformations, and Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuits to simplify the analysis of circuits and/or the computation of responses.
iv. an ability to qualitatively predict and compute the step responses of first order (RL and RC) and second order (RLC) circuits.
v. an ability to qualitatively predict and compute the steady state ac responses of basic circuits using the phasor method..
vi. an ability to compute effective and average values of periodic signals and compute the instantaneous and average powers delivered to a circuit element.
vii. an ability to compute the complex power associated with a circuit element and design a circuit to improve the power factor in an ac circuit.
viii. an ability to determine the conditions for maximum power transfer to any circuit element.
ix. an ability to analyze resistive and RC op amp circuit and design simple amplifiers using op amps.

1. Basic Signal Definitions:      (used in ECE 301, ECE 382, ECE 438)

           * Unit Step Function
                 u(t) = 1 t>=0
                          0 t<0

          * Impulse Function δ(t)
                 u(t) = ∫δ(τ) dτ

           * Ramp Function                  r(t) = ∫u(τ) dτ

2. One-sided Laplace Transform       (used in general)

3. Properties:

          Linearity: L[α1f(t) + α2f(t)] = α1F(t) + α2F(t)
          Time-Shift: e-sTF(s)= L[f(t-τ)u(t-τ)] τ>0
           L[tf(t)] = - d/ds F(s)
           Frequency-shift: L[e-at f(t)u(t)] = F(s+a)
           Time/Frequency Scaling: L[f(at)] = 1/a*F(s/a)
          Time Differentiation: L[d/dt f(t)] = sF(s) – f(0-)
           General Time Differentiation
           Integration Property

4. Inverse Laplace Transform

5. Impedance, Admittance Manipulations     (used in general circuit analysis)
           V(s) = Z(s)I(s)            I(s)=Y(s)V(s)

6. Circuit component representation: R = R, L = Ls, C = 1/(Cs)

7. Thevenin Equivalence     (connected to ECE 201)

8. Source Transformations    (connected to ECE 201)

9. Transfer Functions    (used in ECE 382)

           H(s) = L[output] / L[input]
           Poles, zeros, gain

10. Responses: input, step, impulse    (connected to ECE 201)

11. Nodal and Loop Analysis    (connected to ECE 201)

12. Switching, Transient & Steady-state response    (connected to ECE 201)

13. Impedance Scaling

14. Convolution    (used in ECE 301, ECE 438)

           y(t) = ∫h(t-τ)f(τ)dτ
           Associative, Distributive, Commutative

(Decarlo (2010, Spring) ECE 202 Notes

   Retrieved March 30,2010 from 

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