This program introduces students to exciting new areas of mathematical biology and  involves them in collaborative research with their peers and faculty mentors. The program consists of three parts - each with a mix of educational and social experiences:

·         Two-week Introduction (June 2-13, 2014): Tutorials, computer labs, and team efforts designed to introduce students to a variety of topics in mathematical biology.

·         Eight-week REU Program (June 16-August 8, 2014): An individualized research experience as part of a research team at a participating  institution. There are 14 projects to choose from.

·         Capstone Conference (August 11-15, 2014): A student centered conference featuring talks and posters by student researchers in math biology, keynotes by prominent math biologists, and a graduate studies recruitment fair.

Apply for the REU program at: []   


A complete application will require:

·         Two letters of reference

·         A ranked list of the three projects that you want to participate in (see above)

·         A statement indicating your reasons for wanting to participate in this program


For full consideration, completed applications must be received by Monday, January 27, 2014.

Applications for the TWO-WEEK INTRODUCTION ONLY will be due in April.

Applications for the CAPSTONE CONFERENCE ONLY will be due in June.

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Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva