Lecture 13 Blog, ECE438 Fall 2010, Prof. Boutin
Wednesday September 22, 2010.
In Lecture #13, we continued considering the sampling
$ x_1[n]=x(T_1 n) $
of a continuous-time signal x(t). We obtained and discussed the relationship between the DT Fourier transform of $ x_1[n] $ and that of a downsampling $ y[n]=x_1[Dn] $, for some integer D>1. (Yes, I know it was a lot of math, but this is good for you, trust me!) We then obtained the relationship between the DT Fourier transform of $ x_1[n] $ and that of an upsampling of x[n] by a factor D. From this relationship, we concluded that, under certain circumstances, a low-pass filter could be applied to this upsampling so to obtain the signal
$ x_2[n]=x\left( n \frac{T_1}{D} \right) $.
Side notes:
- I think this may be a good time to pass some advice to current/future ECE301 students on the peer legacy page.
- Here is a Rhea page on sampling contributed by a student.
- HW5 is now posted. It is due next Wednesday.
Previous: Lecture 12; Next: Lecture 14