Discussion for Lab 4, ECE637, Spring 2013
Additional Information
Before you jump into the lab, there is actually a difference for the monitors everyone is using. To ensure consistent result throughout the lab, I would suggest using the same monitor while doing calibrations!
Basic knowledge for gamma correction
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_correction
- http://www.siggraph.org/education/materials/HyperGraph/color/gamma_correction/gamma_intro.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brightness
Extended information for something to do when you are bored
Fun experiment to do on your monitor(s)
Q&A Section
- Q: My image looks really dark after correction.
- A - Make sure you have both nullification and correction set correctly.
- Q: In problem 3, I checked the "stretch" function in matlab help, but I did not find it. I got "stretchlim" from matlab help. Why do we need to use the syntax "stretch"?
- A - I believe the lab is written that way so that you could write the equalization into function calls