%ECE 301 HW1 %Tridib K Saha %PUID 0023254379

%ORIGINAL SPEED %speed: beats/min = 112 %thus quarter note = .5357 sec

delta = 0.00005; half = [0:delta:1.0714]; d_quarter = [0:delta:0.8036]; quarter = [0:delta:0.5357]; eighth = [0:delta:0.26785];

%notes required g_quar = sin(2*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*quarter); bf = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/12)*440)*quarter); c_d_quarter = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*d_quarter); df_eighth = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/3)*440)*eighth); c_half = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*half); g_half = sin(2*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*half);

%smoke on the water sequence smoke_on_the_water = [g_quar, bf, c_d_quarter , g_quar, bf, df_eighth, c_half, g_quar, bf, c_d_quarter , bf, g_half]; sound(smoke_on_the_water, 1/delta) wavwrite(smoke_on_the_water, 1/delta, 32, 'reg_song.wav'); pause(10)

%FAST SPEED delta = 0.00005; half = [0:delta:1.0714*.5]; d_quarter = [0:delta:0.8036*.5]; quarter = [0:delta:0.5357*.5]; eighth = [0:delta:0.26785*.5];

%new notes g_quar = sin(2*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*quarter); bf = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/12)*440)*quarter); c_d_quarter = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*d_quarter); df_eighth = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/3)*440)*eighth); c_half = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*half); g_half = sin(2*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*half);

%fast smoke on the water sequence fast_smoke_on_the_water = [g_quar, bf, c_d_quarter , g_quar, bf, df_eighth, c_half, g_quar, bf, c_d_quarter , bf, g_half]; sound(fast_smoke_on_the_water, 1/delta) wavwrite(fast_smoke_on_the_water, 1/delta, 32, 'fast_song.wav'); pause(5)

%HIGHER PITCH delta = 0.00005; half = [0:delta:1.0714*.5]; d_quarter = [0:delta:0.8036*.5]; quarter = [0:delta:0.5357*.5]; eighth = [0:delta:0.26785*.5];

% new notes g_quar = sin(4*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*quarter); bf = sin(4*pi*(2^(1/12)*440)*quarter); c_d_quarter = sin(4*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*d_quarter); df_eighth = sin(4*pi*(2^(1/3)*440)*eighth); c_half = sin(4*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*half); g_half = sin(4*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*half);

%high pitch smoke on the water sequence high_smoke_on_the_water = [g_quar, bf, c_d_quarter , g_quar, bf, df_eighth, c_half, g_quar, bf, c_d_quarter , bf, g_half]; sound(high_smoke_on_the_water, 1/delta) wavwrite(high_smoke_on_the_water, 1/delta, 32, 'highpitch_song.wav'); pause(5)

%Homework 1 part 2

[beatles, fs, bits] = wavread('Beatles.wav'); sound(beatles, fs, bits) pause(25)

% original file says 'number 9' over and over reverse = flipud(beatles); sound(reverse, fs, bits) wavwrite(reverse, fs, 32, 'reversebeatles.wav'); pause(25)

%reversed file says 'turn me on dead man'

Media:reg_song.wav Media:fast_song.wav Media:highpitch_song.wav Media:reversebeatles.wav


Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva