ECE 301 Homework 1
Michael Meyer
clear all; %%Question 1. Part 1.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bpm = 112; delta = 0.00005; %%Note lengths. half = [0:delta:120/bpm]; quart = [0:delta:60/bpm]; eighth = [0:delta:30/bpm]; dotquart = [0:delta:90/bpm]; %%Note Frequencies. gfreq = 2^(-2/12)*440; bffreq = 2^(1/12)*440; cfreq = 2^(3/12)*440; dffreq = 2^(4/12)*440; %%Notes G = sin(2*pi*gfreq*quart); Bf = sin(2*pi*bffreq*quart); Cdq = sin(2*pi*cfreq*dotquart); Df = sin(2*pi*dffreq*eighth); Ch = sin(2*pi*cfreq*half); %%Song song = [G, Bf, Cdq, G, Bf, Df, Ch, G, Bf, Cdq, Bf, G]; sound(song, 1/delta) wavwrite(song, 1/delta, '112bpm.wav') pause(1); %%Question 1. Part 2.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bpmfast = 224; %%Note lengths. half = [0:delta:120/bpmfast]; quart = [0:delta:60/bpmfast]; eighth = [0:delta:30/bpmfast]; dotquart = [0:delta:90/bpmfast]; %%Notes G = sin(2*pi*gfreq*quart); Bf = sin(2*pi*bffreq*quart); Cdq = sin(2*pi*cfreq*dotquart); Df = sin(2*pi*dffreq*eighth); Ch = sin(2*pi*cfreq*half); %%Fast Song fastsong = [G, Bf, Cdq, G, Bf, Df, Ch, G, Bf, Cdq, Bf, G]; sound(fastsong, 1/delta) wavwrite(fastsong, 1/delta, '224bpm.wav') pause(1); %%Question 1. Part 3.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bpm = 112; delta = 0.00005; %%Note lengths. half = [0:delta:120/bpm]; quart = [0:delta:60/bpm]; eighth = [0:delta:30/bpm]; dotquart = [0:delta:90/bpm]; %%Note Frequencies. gfreq = 2^(-2/12)*440; bffreq = 2^(1/12)*440; cfreq = 2^(3/12)*440; dffreq = 2^(4/12)*440; %%Notes G = sin(4*pi*gfreq*quart); Bf = sin(4*pi*bffreq*quart); Cdq = sin(4*pi*cfreq*dotquart); Df = sin(4*pi*dffreq*eighth); Ch = sin(4*pi*cfreq*half); %%Song highsong = [G, Bf, Cdq, G, Bf, Df, Ch, G, Bf, Cdq, Bf, G]; sound(highsong, 1/delta) wavwrite(highsong, 1/delta, 'highpitch.wav') %%Combining all songs into one. combined = horzcat(1, song, fastsong, highsong); wavwrite(combined, 1/delta, 'combined.wav')
%%Question 2. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [Beatles, fs, N] = wavread('Beatles.wav'); RevBeatles = flipud(Beatles); sound(RevBeatles, fs) wavwrite(RevBeatles, fs, N, 'seltaeB.wav');
I believe that the message is "turn me on dead man", however my opinion was skewed from watching this video:
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