Again, not words but DIAGRAMS

File:Timeinvariant301.jpg if z(t)=y(t) then it is said to be Time Invariant (T.I)

Not time Invariant System

$ \,\ x(t) = t^2 $ and the system multiplies it by t.

$ \,\ y(t) = (t-to)^3 $

$ \,\ z(t) = t(t-to)^2 $

and thus it is not T.I. because y(t) does not equal z(t)

Time Invariant System

$ \,\ x(t) = t^2 $ and the system multiplies it by 3.

$ \,\ y(t) = 3(t-to)^2 $

$ \,\ z(t) = 3(t-to)^2 $

and BAMO y(t) does indeed equal z(t) so it is T.I.

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang