A linear system is a system that an output of a certain signal is the sum of all the input signals. This is exactly the same as the property called superposition. ie:

$ ax_1(t) + bx_2(t) > ay_1(t) + by_2(t)\, $

This definition also holds true for DT signals.

For example, to prove that a system is linear, suppose that a system with output $ y(t) $ and input $ x(t) $ are related by

$ y(t) = tx(t)\, $

Choosing arbitrary signals, we have:

$ x_1(t) > y_1(t) = tx_1(t)\, $
$ x_2(t) > y_2(t) = tx_2(t)\, $

and let

$ x_3(t) = ax_1(t) + bx_2(t)\, $


$ y_3(t) = tx_3(t)\, $
$ y_3(t) = t(ax_1(t) + bx_2(t))\, $
$ y_3(t) = atx_1(t) + btx_2(t))\, $
$ y_3(t) = ay_1(t) + by_2(t)\, $

Which correspond to the definition described above.

On the other hand, to prove that a system is non-linear, let's assume we have:

$ y(t) = x^2(t)\, $

Again, choosing arbitrary signals:

$ x_1(t) > y_1(t) = x_1^2(t)\, $
$ x_2(t) > y_2(t) = x_2^2(t)\, $

and let:

$ y_3(t) = x_3^2(t)\, $
$ y_3(t) = (ax_1(t) + bx_2(t))^2\, $
$ y_3(t) = a^2x_1^2(t) + b^2x_2^2(t) + 2abx_1(t)x_2(t)\, $
$ y_3(t) = a^2y_1(t) + b^2y_2(t) + 2abx_1(t)x_2(t)\, $

As illustrated above, one can specify that $ y_3(t) $ is not the same as $ ay_1(t) + by_2(t) $, and therefore the system is not linear.

Note: Both of the examples above were taken from Signals & Systems, second edition by Alan V. Oppenheim and Alan S. Willsky pg. 54.

Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett